10 years ago

I'm using Joomla 3.1.5 and Seblod 3.x (not the newest version).
(The reason why I didn't upgrade the system yet is because I didn't know how will it affect my database - RTL language).

The problem:
Last Friday I've purchased a template that uses Helix 2 Framework, installed it and after that I couldn't change anything in the template. As an example I tried to change th logo and I'm keep getting the Error message: "error loading form file".
After working co-operativley with the template designer/programmer he told me that because of an incompatibility of Helix 2 Framework and SEBLOD component - I keep getting errors.

Does someone know how to solve this situation ?

Thank you,

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175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Have you tried to open and save all content type layouts? Sometimes, content type templates get messed up. I still haven't figured out in what circumstances, but it does happen.
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi webcastor,

Thank you for the reply. Let me just give you more details about the circumstances:
Since I'm not a joomla expert, I've asked the designer/programmer of the template to help me with installing the template + the Helix framework that comes with it. He tried several times to install the template but for some reason after the template was installed, he couldn't change anything in it (template manager > name of template > settings). Meaning that everytime he tried to change the template (for example, changing the logo), the system returned this error after clicking save: "error loading form file".

Moreover, this is what he wrote me about another issue that appeared every time he clicked on links of the main manu in the front-end:

"the problem with the Error 500 is because of an incompatibility of Helix 2 Framework and SEBLOD component. I tried to disable the Helix plugin and everything works fine, but if I enable the plugin you get this error."

I really don't have a clue what should I do about it... I Hope you could help me to solve these issues.

Thank you very much,

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I do not know what kind of plugin could a template have, but unless you are referring to a component, the following could be a way to solve your problem. As you might see on this forum, when there is a plugin issue, just rearranging the plugins order often solves the problem. Your problem might be that Seblod plugin execute before Helix 2 plugin, but you can reorder them.
10 years ago
Level 2
Wow ! It worked.
After rearranging the plug-in (making Helix the first one) it fixed the second problem (500 error page).

Basicly, Helix is a plug-in that creats the slider.
Now I got left with these issues:
1. The template still doesn't save anything (like changing the logo or even changing menu assignment in the template settings).
2. When a user clicks on an "edit a form", he gets a simple edit form of joomla and this text inside a text box: "::cck::93::......". This text appears instead of the form that I've created that had many fields and was supposed to have data in it.

Do you have an idea how could it be solved ?

Thank you again,
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
The only cases that sort of misbehaving ever happened to me was when I tried to use templates not compatible with the Joomla version, which in your case could be 2.5.x template on J3.x, or even wrong version framework. But there could be another explanation. Have you checked if your template .ini (or .json, settings files) files have 644 attributes.

Regarding your edit links, at least in Article Blog view and Article full view, they should be substituted by the cck variant "on the fly". In the Setting > SEBLOD, under Integration tab, you will find Joomla Article! settings. There you can switch Edit Link from Auto to Always with SEBLOD, or try with switching Edit Link (Alternative).

10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Alex,

I followed your guidlines, but nothing seems to work. I guess I'm doing something wrong... Or maybe I'm missing something... The problem starts with the fact that I'm not an expert in Joomla nor in Seblod. Is there a way I could provide you with access to my system so you could see the the problem for youself?

I do believe that i'm only missing somthing that might be easy to solve. I really don't have anyone who knows the system and could help me to find a solution.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind help.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I am trying the same combo (Joomla 3.1.6 and Helix II). So far the result seam to be the same as yours. Even the file access is ok, so disregard my previous comment.
You can create an admin user linked to alex.kolman@gmail.com, but let's see what I can do on my own system.
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Good news and bad news. I tried it on Joomla 3.2.1 and works without a hitch. There was a minor difference: I installed the Helix framework BEFORE the template, and template settings saving works great. I will try it now on a 3.1.6.

P.S. Seblod 3.2 was already on the system.
P.P.S. Do you get just the Options and Menu assignment tabs in template options?
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi alex,

Your the best ! Thanks for helping me :)
I'm sending you an e-mail in about 2 seconds with the details to my system.

Thank you so much !
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Alex,

could you eloborate a bit more on the sequence?
so if i understand you correctly, you had as a base installtion a 3.2 version.

then you installed the helix 2 plugin
then the helix 2 template
then upgrade to 3.21
then soblod?

more information would be extremly helpful.
Thanks, ChrisB
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi guys,

i am struggling on the same topic for weeks now.
firebug is saying: jQuery is not defined
So i guess it's a jquery conflict between helix 2 and seblod. But i don't know how to fix.

Any news aer highly appreciated. I'll keep you posted if i find anything helpful.

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
As I found out by testing, Helix 2 (current version) is having trouble working with Joomla 3.1.x. I tried it on a fresh 3.1.6 install (without Seblod) and obtained the same result - template admin interface was not working.
So if you guys are planning on staying with Joomla 3.1.x, stay clear of current version. Maybe you can ask authors for a link to System Plugin versions older than 2.1.2 (but do not mix it with 1.99, does not work)
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