11 years ago

This forum format is HORRIBLE for support.  I for one, hope you go back to the Kunena forum. 

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11 years ago
Level 1

This forum I think it was made all in SEBLOD, so I think it will not come back to the old forum, it must have given too much work...

11 years ago
Level 2

If they made this in Seblod, the really should show how this was done.  I have to admit, it does take some time, but I'm getting used to it.  It's still missing some key features though.

148 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

+1 for a tutorial on how this forum was created... it would probably cover 99% of what most people will ever need from Seblod... all in one tutorial ;-)

And/or it'd be awesome to buy this as an app from the Seblod store. What do you say, Seblod team?

Thanks for this awesome tool.

572 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


You should edit your post title to add the word "please" and remove the all caps. What you have posted here is quite rude.

Instead of making demands of the Seblod team, who have created the most innovative Joomla extension EVER, provide a list of dot points as to how this forum might be improved. What additional features do you think it is missing?

Everything on this new site is a work in progress. The Seblod team develop and release things as they build them. Sometimes that means it's not 100% perfect. That's why we have a Seblod community, to suggest improvements, work on problems and make the product better.

Get on board with the vision, and find a way to help.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi _jrmo, 

these were suggestions for example... :)

11 years ago
Level 1

There are people who can not appreciate the work of others and live to criticizing...

SEBLOD for me is the best extensions to Joomla! Amazing work!

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