11 years ago

Hello Seblod community, throughout the seblod 3.0 days I've contributed throughout the forums and with a few videos. Now things have got taken to the next level. A few fellow computer scientist have started our own web development company and we're using Seblod as the foundation because we believe it's truly incredible and one of a kind. I will be posting some how to videos on making some actual real everyday apps that people can use for free (have over 10 ready to show already :) ). However, I do ask in return that the community will be kind with me in figuring out a few of the complicated tasks I may get hung up on. I don't like the no replies on topics I'm seeing frequently, it looks terrible all around regardless of the topic. We need to make this community strong as this extension is what truly separates Joomla from the other frameworks.  I'm tired of hiding my knowledge (and others hiding their knowledge), this is not the open source way and this is not how we make a statement to the internet that Joomla + Seblod = Endless Possiblities :) . It says it on the front page but we need to actually show it!!!.. If the community will help me out (and each other obviously) I will post weekly (at the minimum) Seblod videos on various aspects on what I've learned. I know these videos will be boring for some, but they will help out the new comers and that's the most important thing.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Iloyd,

I have stoped to use Seblod because it's too complicated for me, I have lost too many time because we don't have documentation for begginers. And some easy things are not possible yet like pagination on different modules on same page. But I always come on this forum to see the evolution of Seblod. And if we can have tutorials, it will be great, maybe I will come back.

So thanks a lot.

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi, lloyd

thanks a lot for your efforts.  I will help you and or course others as much as i can :)

I am definitely not a Seblod pro, but maybe an advanced beginner who can share some knowledge. I am collecting a lot of experience lately since i am using Seblod on all my new Joomla projects. Why? Because if i dont need Seblod, then i dont need Joomla :) Joomla standalone is a torture for you and your clients. There is no way to manage your content the easy way without a useful CCK system like Seblod. 


do not give up! I know it is really hard at the beginning. There is a lot of anger, disappointment and sometimes, i admit, also a little bit crying :). But trust me, after 4-5 projects, things will get easier!

kind regards

106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hey all

To be honest I am at the same state. I just can't understand a thing, why it is impossible to make simple videos with each field, how to do what and explain different cases. I still can't get clear idea how to make multilanguage. Does anybody helps? Not really, I just see a lot of non responded answers.

I will not give up, but if I need to pay for support, just ask, but with such weak response people are running away and they will do it so.

But I believe that SEBLOD could be a king, but then you should help.


11 years ago
Level 1
Hi Lloyd,

The potential for this product seems great, but I feel the lack of good documentation and assistance in the forum is holding it's wider adoption back. I suspect many people are like me, they seen the multi-site capability using separate or sub-domains and thought that's exactly what I want, then realised the bigger potential with a CCK included. To be honest though, I also can't even get the multi-site to function correctly with sub-domains, I've followed the 'Multi-sites - Documentation' and posted my problems in the forum, which are currently unanswered and buried in page 3 of the forum. Genuinely, either better multi-site documentation or video from start to finish, showing a fully working multi-site using sub-domains or similar is what I and probably many would see as being very useful and as a demonstration that Seblod has great potential. I don't mean to offend, I can see you have done some great work here, but at the moment for me Seblod does nothing, absolutely nothing because I can't get it to do anything. Obviously it can do a lot, but I'm on the verge of giving up as I too have spent far far too much time trying to get just one part (multi-site function) of this working. The thing is, if I'm about to give up, there is probably many others who have already done the same and many others that will do the same. That's just lost user-base. If I ever get multi-site working, I'll do full documentation as a way of giving back, maybe even a video if I can.

I really really hope the community can pull together on both forum and documentation. You and your product deserve it. As for Seblod, I hope it continues for a long life ahead.


41 Posts
Umair Hassan
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Everybody,

@lloyd; I also have the same thought as you have. I am also willing to help others and wanna get help from others.

I believe we (the Community) can share our Apps as well to help each other.

I don't think that SEBLOD Team can help us quickly !! also they have language barrier, which is not good for people like us. I would suggest Seblod Team to dedicate atlease one team member to make documentations in English and to help on Forums as well. Their Russian forum is quite good and has alot of knowledgeable data but in Russian.

At last; How and when will we guys be starting to help eachother??

Look forward to get positive and quick feedbacks.

Best Regards,


11 years ago
Level 2

Where is this Russian forum for SEBLOD?

43 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi lloyd,

I completely agree with you. James Morrell (Youtube profile) has done quite a few Seblod tutorials. He is a great example on the kind of engagement you seek.

On the old site there was a lot of great documentation in the forums. The problem was that everything was spread around the forum.

Maybe this new site should have a tutorials list-section (text and video). That way everything would have been collected for newcomers, and it would have been easy to contribute.

EDIT: They have already thought about it. Its there under "Resources". My bad.

An idea is to build upon the tracker list, where you are able to choose which plugins, templates etc. that are involved in the tutorial.

106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


Russian seblod forum is www.seblod.pro 

Got from them latest Google maps field, will translate manual in EN and will post it here, hopefully this week.


10 years ago
Level 1
I have spent the last two weeks fighting the good fight to learn Seblod and yes there are times when I considered other CCKs because im just not understading Seblod but I came back to try again. I can see the potential and James Morell's videos have been the only way I can understand even the basics, if it wasnt for them and some extremely helpful forum answeres from Webcaster, unleash.it and Simon Dowel to name a few I would have given up a long time ago (my clients cant be charged for all this time im spending learning Seblod so I hope when I understand it I can make up for lost time).
I also found a good video on vimeo by Daniel Young https://vimeo.com/26198999 which is a great introduction to Seblod (even though its v2 it still useful) and after hours of looking on the old V2 forum and finding a lot of 404 links I asked a few questions on the v3 forum and found the help is very good.

@Lloyd where are these videos you mentioned? It would be great to have more to look at and understand better how Seblod works and what it is capable of. I'm not giving up now and when i know more i'll be happy to offer support here in the forum.
148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I hear y'all. All of this sounds way too familiar. I'm wondering if one way to help each other tremendously is to post links to the various websites we've all developed and also post exported apps. I'm mentioning this because often I'm looking at some functionalities here on seblod.com and am scratching my head "how did they do that?" kind of thing. I wish I could simply look at the back end and learn a couple tricks that way.
With that, though... the "Exporter" plugin is a paid product ... that'll prevent folks from exporting and posting their apps.
Seblod team, if you're reading this, please consider making the Exporter plugin free (and perhaps charge for the Importer instead), which would empower folks to export and post their apps, which would then contribute to the greater adoption of Seblod by the community.
What do you, guys, think?
10 years ago
Level 2

Just to clarify one thing here.
NOTHING (except SEBLOD itself) is required to export your SEBLOD apps from one site... and import these same apps on another Joomla/SEBLOD website.

If you want to export SEBLOD apps, you just need to go to SEBLOD > App Folder Manager, and you'll see a "Download" button/link.
If you want to import SEBLOD apps, you just need to go to Joomla! > Extension manager, and upload you apps. (SEBLOD is required)

SEBLOD Importer Add-on = Import Articles, Categories, Users, ... from a CSV file to your Joomla! database.
SEBLOD Exporter Add-on = Export Articles, Categories, Users, ... from your Joomla! database to a CSV file.

10 years ago
Level 1

Frankly I can't understand all these complaints about the prices for these extensions. As a profesionnal web agency we fully understand that we must pay for our production tools! Paying 5,10 or 30 € for a plugin that will save me days of working is next to nothing, especially when websites are sold thousands of euros at the least.

The calendar view or the forum application itself that are used on this site could be on sale according to me. If we want Seblod gets more and more powerful and more spread in the Joomla community, I find absolutely normal we pay for it. Seblod is a pro tool for pros. Open source doesn't mean free.

We have been using Seblod for two years now and found it the best solution for us. My concern is to be sure Seblod will be still here in a couple of years (and so Joomla). As a ceo I must protect my investments and pay for it.

Seblod is a great FREE product (do we forget it ?) and my only goal about it is to know if and how it will evolve. As a customer for Octopoos, I'm ready to pay more for more services. The e-commerce application that Octopoos has been talking about in this forum is a tremendous example of an application I would pay for (either the product itself or preferably the services/training around it as DrupalCommerce for instance).

Anyway, that's only my point of view of course


148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Thank you, Saba, for correcting me regarding exporting/importing apps.
Cyril, completely agree with your comments. Seblod (even with the commercial add-ons) is actually still a pretty reasonably priced solution and the flexibility surpasses anything else out there for Joomla.
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