10 years ago
All my articles have the ability to opload a image that will be displayed in a slideshow on the frontpage, now I want to have a list where a user can just drag and drop an item to change the order the images is displayed in the slideshow, this could be usefull in many other circumstances too. Any why that could be done with jQuery or something. Any tips hints would be appreciated.

Thanks for this lovely framework.
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Pretorian,

Depending on how your slideshow operates, you might be able to use the Article Ordering field - its not drag and drop, but easily edited to set the order. This really depends on the slideshow functionality - many of them just look at the file names and give you the option of sorting options based on the file name(ascending / descending /random). They might also use a list of some kind. For the drag/drop option, it would probably be a new field type.

You can try adding this to the Tracker for a feature request, or if you need it sooner, please feel free to contact Octopoos to discuss further.


233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
you might be able to use the Article Ordering field
Is it possible to use the Article Ordering on form submissions? To allow users to set a certain position? I mean, without J! article manager. Ideal would be frontend. I had no success in finding developer infos about J! ordering and how to access or use it programatically.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi pepperstreet,

I used the Article Ordering on a website for an author friend. She wanted her books to show in a "time line" order. But we couldn't use a creation date because she may add her books in a random order. Similarly we couldn't use modified date since the links might be added/removed on where to purchase the books. I found that the Article Ordering field worked out great. In this case, I just created a menu item with a Search Type that uses the Ordering Field which can be set ascending or descending.

Hope that helps,

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Exactly what i have in mind… a custom order, that can be displayed "as is". Most applicable to any product catalog, company services, team/staff pages etc.

I assume, your author has to use the regular article manager in backend, right? Or do you know a frontend solution? Or at least a way to ask the user on the form?

Unfortunately J25/3+ has no frontend feature to choose another article for position. New articles simply go to the top-most position… i guess, it gets a "zero" in ordering field. If you submit multiple articles, it seems to run a certain function that re-numbers all articles from 1 to "last". 

The same happens in backend after dragNdrop. In Joomla 2.5 after clicking the save/disk icon.

There seems to be no developer docs about it.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi pepperstreet,

For the author solution, it is managed on the front end and is simply a text field, so it's nothing fancy. You can have more than one value being the same and it will still be arranged according the the values. For a new entry, you could create a dynamic search field and get the max value of the article position to present it to the user. Using computations, you should be able to fill in the next "current value".

In this case, updating the other articles is a manual process - which works for an occasional reorder. The question is, do all of the articles really need to be re-numbered? If it is an absolute requirement, then perhaps using the Code Pack : Add Code Before Store to reorder the values might be useful. If its a bigger project than you are willing to take on, please feel free to contact Octopoos for assistance.


233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6
Thanks for your thoughts and infos! Code Pack is interesting. 

Re-Numbering other articles is not extremely crucial, but it would be the icing on the cake ;-) Did you ever see a developer info about the "ordering" function? I could not manage to find anything. Since it is a supplied and suggested feature for extensions, i wonder why there are no docs. Maybe it is not applicable for frontend usage anyway… but I am still curious about it.
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7
Another quick idea for frontend maintenance. An author might have a special Seblod list view, like a dashboard for "my content", where he can re-order his articles.
BTW, is Joomla ordering a functionality that is related to "JGrid"?! Then it might be something for your Joomla Pack product?!  
10 years ago
Level 2
All articles have a slideshow image that is stored in cck_store_item_comtent, all categorys oslo have the same slideshow image that is stored in cck_store_item_comtent. In the List and search type search form i have CCK Select dynamic with table cck_store_item_content with Order By id.
If i use Ascending or Descending makes no difference. Is seams it is automaticly Order By cck_core_types id.

How can I make it sort on cck_store_item_comtent.
And when in slideshow it will only give the link to content for articles not for categorys, and yes I have both Article Title and Category Title in List with link view. I use template simplesimon for the slideshow.

So in summery I want to store alle the stuff for slideshow in one table and to be able to sort on that table and get the content link for articles or categorys automaticly.

I would be open to pay for it if you have a modest price.

Thank you.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Pretorian,

It appears that you changed the CCK Select Dynamic table.  Try setting up a new Search Type based on the content type that you want to search for.  Have you seen this video on setting up a search type?

Hope that helps,


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