38 Posts
7 years ago

Does anyone have general guidance when one should use one over the other?  I know that when using Joomla Categories you eventually have site performance concerns as Joomla loads the categories.  I know this can be resolved by adding more hardware resources, but I was wondering if this would be a time to use a Free Table instead of Joomla Categories.  I'm currently building a website that will have several lists (one around 1300 items) that will be used to categorize the articles.  Thanks in advance.

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Joomla categories can show problems as it is a nested set with category hirearchy, but if you don't need that you could use select dynamic e.g. to show only categories to certain parent, this can be a simple query that won't affect performance.

38 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2


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