6 years ago

I'm having an issue where if we set the #__users.requireReset (require a user to change their password on their next login) and the user tries to login, they will get stuck in a redirect loop.  I have tested this on a fresh install of joomla/seblod.

If the user is created as 'Joomla Standard content', the user is able to login correctly and gets taken to their profile page to reset their password.

If the user is created as 'Seblod User Content', after login it goes to the following urls indefinitely:



It seems a 'Seblod User' tries to load the normal Joomla Profile Edit screen, but then gets redirected to the 'Seblod User Form'.  For some reason it then gets redirected back to the Joomla Profile and cycle continues. 

Any ideas on why this is happening?  


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