11 years ago

Hello I am currently experiencing a problem and I've searched and can't seem to find an answer for it.  The is as follows: Oops! Try to close the page & re-open it properly. Has anybody seen this before? I've tried various options and cannot seem to figure it out.  Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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11 years ago
Level 1

I am currently seeing the same sort of error page using Seblod v.3

I successfully created new content types and populated several items. I decided I needed to make changes and after the changes I have this problem. The error message is:

Oops! The template not found.. :(

It may be because I changed a field in the admin form from text to free text


It may be because I added new categories and moved the populated categories to be child categories nested below the new category.

I have a new forum thread on the topic here: http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/oops-template-not-found-after-changes

Let me know if you discover a fix, and I'll do the same for you.

11 years ago
Level 2

I'm not sure how I exactly fixed this problem but it is no longer an issue for me. It might have had something to do with the cache or the php.ini file fixing the max_var setting. Did you make changes to the template? 

97 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Seblod creates autosaves of versions of your forms each time you save them and you can revover them by going to Form & Content Types and click on the box between the status green tick and id number of your form. That takes you to the Version Manager - Forms & Content Types. There you click on the orange tick to "go back to this version" of your form.

Hope this solves your problem otherwise we need one of the Devs to try to figure out this issue.


11 years ago
Level 2

Wow, that is awesome.

I wish I could have found that a little earlier. I was looking around in the database using phpmyadmin. I deleted an entry in the cck_core table that looked like a duplicate entry. tried setting the admin template for the item in the cck_core_types table template_admin field, and that was able to bring up a form, but I could not get any changes to the form to stick after that.

I just deleted all my content types and am recreating them now. That seems to have worked as I can now bring up the recreated form. The form version feature is a nice thing to have.

I'm curious to know if it was the category change that caused the problem or the change in a field type.

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