30 Posts
8 years ago

Hi Seblod,

When performing the update, the following error occurs:

Erreur de syntaxe près de 'IGNORE TABLE `#__cck_store_item_users` ADD `company` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ' à la ligne 1 SQL=ALTER IGNORE TABLE `#__cck_store_item_users` ADD `company` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER `birthplace`;

As of MySQL 5.7.4, the IGNORE clause for ALTER TABLE is removed and its use produces an error.

 I try to develop my version  in PHP7 and  MySql is 5.7.9!

You planned to take account of these changes?


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30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


To install without error you must change the files in the zip.
/extensions/com_cck/admin/install/upgrades/3.20.sql 60- 61 lines and 3.80.sql 61-62 lines.
Comment them.
Recreate the zip
Before starting the update take these queries without IGNORE put in  console to create the missing columns.

The update will until his term without error!


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