5 Posts
11 years ago

Hi everyone, 

I've updated a Joomla  (2.5.14) site for a Client with the latest version of Seblod (this site runs with Seblod since two years without problems before).

After the update, I've checked if everything was ok, with the discover function in Joomla, and I've installed the store location things (plugins I guess). My database looks ok, and the cache is cleared.

Now all my search type give me thsi error message : 

Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /homez.31/rezonne/www/plugins/cck_storage_location/joomla_article/tmpl/item.php on line 38.

On the plugin file the concerned line : 

<div>if ( $plg_params->get( 'item_params', 0 ) ) {</div><div>$attribs=new JRegistry( $item->attribs );</div><div>$attribs=$attribs->toArray();</div><div>$item->params->merge( $attribs );</div><div>}</div>

The page is white with the error message, with the search form on top as you can see it there.

All one type cck page (article, users, or custom type like concert date, interview etc.) works fine, and search modules works too (on this page you ca see the agenda module on right top position).

In the debug chrome tools, I just have an error like "Uncaught ReferenceError: JCck is not defined".

Do I have to change things in my search types ? CCK field ? CCK types ?

I'm quite lost now... 

Any help would be great, 

Thanks for your time and advices ;)

hve a god day,


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