215 Posts
10 years ago

So odd thing happened on the way to the forum ...  hahaha

No really, my edit link (for articles) is not showing at all. Honestly, I am not sure if it ever did, but I had thought so.

I tried a different template and not there either, so I know it's not some modification I made to the template.

I am using the PROTOSTAR template currently.

JOOMLA 3.3 and SEBLOD 3.3.5

My Article Manager options, shows both set to YES

Show Publishing Options
Show Article Options

I turned on icons but that only shows, print and email.

Of course, Super User has editing permissions.

Seblod global config > Integration link shows

Edit Link = Auto

Edit Link (Alternative) = Yes or No (neither had an effect)


Is there something else I can try?

Thx for your help!!

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi cubist,

How are you displaying the link for edit? Sometimes you may set up an edit link on a content type title, but then present your content type in a list. The list also needs to have the link set up.



215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hey Randy, Thx.

I have not set up a field for an "edit link". I thought Joomla's native article edit icon would show regardless if I a dedicated Seblod field. True or no?

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

In site tab of the compoennt options there is also as setting "Hide Edit Icon"

215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

OK, that's much better. I think there must a JS conflict of some kind. The code is showing the icon is there WHEN you mouse over the cog/downarrow but it never drops down (in the ProtoStar template):

<ul class="dropdown-menu actions"> <br> <li class="edit-icon"> <br> <a href="/pathologists/jennifer-g-ward-dvm-dacvp?task=article.edit&a_id=175&return=aHR0cDovL3NwZWNpYWx0eXZldHBhdGguY29tL3BhdGhvbG9naXN0cy9qZW5uaWZlci1nLXdhcmQtZHZtLWRhY3Zw"> <br> <span class="hasTooltip icon-edit tip" title="" data-original-title="<strong>Edit Article</strong><br />Published<br />Wednesday, 02 April 2014<br> <br />Written by Super User"></span> Edit </a> </li> <br> </ul>

Any ideas why?

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


you will need a developer to look at your page as you say, there is most likely a javacript conflict.

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