21 Posts
9 years ago

Hi all

I bought this plugin 1 week ago => http://www.seblod.com/products/2997

Since 1 week I try Joomla-Article depending on categories to show with the help of this tutorials => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uic8R3TF2Q (this works)

But how I set this on a module-position and which button I must implement? everytime I see "No result" or the procedure creat a new article etc.

No chance......slowly but surley I despair

How many ways exist to realize a simple article-selection (Forms & content types or list & search types)

Is anyone here who can tell me how I realize a "simple article-section" with results in an modul-poition (full article)??

Greetings and many many Thanks


Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Rog,

I'm not sure to understand what is your real need.

The Select cascade dynamic is a plugin to use in a form of a content type or search to allow the user to select some value depending on other value

(ex : Select city depending on country)

If you want to list article in a module, you need to create a search type, based on the content type of your choice, and then display the search list in a module "SEBLOD List"

Best regards.


21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel

Thanks for answer. Yes, this I have understand I hope. I would like in a module-position on the startpage that the user have choises as follow.

Note: After select the user must see the complete selected article (ex. joomla-article of a dark-beer from the cat. beer)


Main-Category: beverages (cat id 16)

Sub-Category: beer ( id 17) and coffee (id 18)

articles in relation to sub-category coffee: cappuccino, espresso, milk-coffee etc.

articles in relation to sub-category beer: light-beer, draft-beer, dark-beer etc.

My way:

1. Creating Categories, Sub-categories and articles

2. Creating List & Search types: Search Form with the fields => beverages, beveragetype

  • CKK (Select Dynamic) Hidden
  • beverages (Select Dynamic Cascade) Default
    • Table: #_categories
    • Where: parent_id=16
    • Behavior: start
    • Group Ident: firstgroup
    • Options Name: title
    • Options Value: id
    • Storage: none
  • beveragetype (Select Dynamic Cascade) Default
    • Table: #_content
    • Where: (empty)
    • Behavior: end
    • Group Ident: firstgroup
    • Options Name: title
    • Options Value: id
    • Parent: catid
    • Storage: Standard => Article => title
  • Button Search (Button Submit) Default
    • Task: Save & Close / Inerhited
    • Storage: None

3. Creating a module: SEBLOD - Search   ==> I d`ont know how is right? Search OR Form

  • Search Type (List) => beverages
  • Menu item target => actuell  ==> I d`ont know how is right?

After I see all article of the beverages. I would like only see the full selected article.

What I do wrong? 



21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Good morning

No chance...the more I try to do so, the more it slips away. 

Now, I`am note shure how I must beginning...maybe I trying to long and to much.

First I need a "Forms & Content Types OR "List & Search Types" .... I d`ont know!



9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Rog,

you need all to archieve what you want.

First you must create a content type to be able to add contents.

To display a list of content added with your content type, you need to create a Search type based on your content type.

In the search type, you add fields already created in your content type.

Then you just have to add a menu Item SEBLOD List & Search to display the search form and the list results below.

I advise to have a look to the section Manual to have a better idea on how beginning with SEBLOD.

Best regards.


21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel, and thanks your answer

I started from 0, please watch my new way incl. "jpg-stream" below......and pdf with big pictuires at the bottom.

1. New articles and categories and sub-categories => Step1

2. New search form (List & Search Types)  => Step2

3. New search form (List & Search Types) => Step3

4. New menu (List & Search) => Step4

5. New module (SEBLOD - Search) => Step5

6. Startpage (module Position 3) => Step6 

If I click on the blue button "Beverages List1" (watch Step6 blue button) I see ALL existing articles.

Questions or any ideas:

- Why the message "There is no result"?  I guess some filters I need?

- Why I see All existing Joomla-articles?  I guess this is the Option "Search? (on 1st load)?

If you need the pic`s from the fields into the search-forms, let me know.

Greetings and thanks!


Step 1

 Step 2

 Step 3

 Step 4

 Step 5

 Step 6

21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Good morning

After the try an error method I can`t found a solution. I have enabled the "debugger"

Original-problem => "There is no result"


SELECT t0.id AS pid,t0.pk AS pk,t0.pkb AS pkb,t0.cck AS cck,t0.storage_location AS loc,tt.id AS type_id,tt.alias AS type_alias
FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0
LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck
WHERE t0.cck = 'suchform' GROUP BY t0.pk

0.010 seconds (0.010); 12.42 MB (12.425) - afterSearch [Cache=OFF] = 0 result.
0.011 seconds (0.000); 12.43 MB (0.003) - afterRender

Have somebody experience about this message`s?



21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Good Mornig

I speak alone here :-)

Here`s a pdf of my list which I want to display. 

The article-selections works fine but "There is no result"



233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Hello Rog,

maybe a dumb question, but how did you create the current test categories and articles? Are they still "core Joomla"? I mean, did you ever edit/save them with the respective Seblod form? Only content "related" to Seblod will show up in Seblod's own listings and menuItems.

21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

Hi pepperstreet

Yes, I`m 100% shure my categries and articles I have created with SEBLOD Forms.



9 years ago
Level 1

Hello Rog,

I don't see the two selects dynamic in your content type article.

Where have you create those 2 fields ?

For your two search type, what is the live value for the select field "CCK" ?

What I can see with the debug query is that you are searching on the content type "suchform", when you enter the content from the content type "Article"

so it's normal that you have no results.



21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel

With other words first I must create a SEBLOD-article and create 2 (or more) fields in each article which I can/must after select via "select dynamic search plugin"?

How I understand I can`t used only a "standard-article" (like the seblod_article.pdf ) in the previous post?! I thought it needs only the ID`s from the categories and articles?

Concerning our question; the live value for the CCK field is "Category".



21 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi all

It works now. I will post in few days the solution. 

thanks to all who have helped me!!


58 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

Hey Peter71,

can you give me the whole solution, please?

Thanx in advance.


21 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Hi rasch-dmd

Boa..it`s a long time ago. And I had no more nerves .-) My solution look her


I hope it helps?!



Ps.: Here directly the pdf =>


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