10 years ago

Based on Klas' statement that the SD Live plugin is not compatible with the latest version of Seblod, I've decided to downgrade Seblod on my current project from version 3.3.5 to version 3.3.4. To do this, I attempted to uninstall the Seblod Admin and CCK components via the Joomla Extension Manager. That seemed to work OK. Then I attempted to install Seblod 3.3.4, but the resulting Error message indicated it wasn't successful because there were existing tables, etc:


An error has occurred.

1062 Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `#__cck_core_fields` (`id`, `title`, `name`, `folder`, `type`,

There was a lot more as you can imagine, but I'll spare you the details.

My question is: What is the correct procedure and sequence of events to downgrade from 3.3.5 to 3.3.4? I know I could reinstall Joomla and Seblod from the ground up, but this project is well along now and that would mean reconfiguring Joomla, categories, users, groups, access permissions, content and lots of other plugins and components as well-- it's not really practical, and should be reserved only as a last resort.

Octopoos... Can someone tell me how I should go about this? I have a backup and can restore the site to its state immediately prior to the steps I took above (with 3.3.5 installed and working) and go from there.

Thank you,

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10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Denver,

Yes I strongly suggest that you use the backup.
There is no procedure to downgrade... because you shouldn't downgrade.

Also please note that downgrading to 3.3.4 is not going to make the SD Live plug-in compatible with SEBLOD.
Apparently it's broken since 3.2.0.


10 years ago
Level 1

Thanks, Saba for the clarification. I didn't realize SD Live has been incompatible with SEBLOD for so long. I now wish I had not spent my money on a something that is useless to me. I ultimately own the responsibility for that-- I see now that the product page for SD Live indicates compatibility only up to about a year ago. It would be helpful, however, if that was MUCH more visible. It's a very important detail.


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Denver,

I know that Simon is currently really busy with a big project, but he'll definitely come with an updated version as soon as possible.


143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

With all due respect, this looks like the old Joomla story (and not only Joomla as a cms of course). 

I just would have hoped that in the Seblod ecosystem, there would be a safeguard that when the riders (developer or as you like it: 'application writers') move on with their horses (update continuously as Seblod grows) that the troops(plugins etc) would forcibly follow diligently. Otherwise the battle to bring nice things will be lost before it even really started.

For our sake, I strongly feel that when any plugin (etc) looses compatibility when Seblod updates are launched, there should be an 'override' where the Seblod team takes control  and fixes the problem redhanded be it propriety AND third party plugins etc

Otherwise we'll loose confidence at every turn of the corner of updates of Joomla and all its extensions ect and on top of it Seblod and it's growing ecosystem (which I love(d) up to now too much for words).


10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Petrobrazza,

I understand your frustration. But it's the world of Open Source and Free!

Do you imagine the JED team to control and to fix all extensions after a new Joomla update? We can not do this job.

What do we must do? Stop any other author to publish a SEBLOD extension? Add some rule for extension's author which will say something about the obligation to update (we're thinking about this)?

In all cases we will publish another existing plugin last week which can replace the SD Live plugin.


143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Hello Bes,

Thank you for your answer. In the meantime I found a solution by myself for my painful problem.  

Nevertheless, I think that it would be worthwhile considering certainly NOT stopping 3rd party contributors but to throw in a safeguarding clause to them.

People much more involved than me, having huge websites up, for sure they do make updates as well, not so? Imagine them finding a bug due to incompatibility? If they 'forgot' to make a back-up and cannot roll back, they and the users of the sites will be in for a nightmare, not so?

In this case Simon is too busy (which I respect) with another project but ... what if a developer where not to be of this planet anymore or simple not interested? If his plugin were to be a cornerstone (as e.g. concat) being used in many sites, will the whole Seblod project come to a halt as everyone will be stuck with a site that cannot be updated anymore?

That's where my reflection grew that when commercial 3rd party elements have a compatibility problem, the Seblod team should have the right to access the code and fix it. Up to the developer to foot the bill if need be if repair wasn't done in due time. This could be deducted for example from future sales of that plugin, etc

Like this Seblod remains a beloved, strong and especially reliable partner on top of Joomla to any application builder

Not so? 



10 years ago
Level 5

Hello, Bes -

Thank you and Saba for quick answers. With respect, I'd like to respond to your comment "But it's the world of Open Source and Free!". I generally agree with you and I am grateful for all you guys have done with SEBLOD-- really!  However, the SD Live plugin is not free. Maybe it was before, but I had to pay for it. Moreover, because I paid Octopoos directly and not Simon, my expectation is that Octopoos will support it. I understand that isn't necessarily the case and how you run your business is well... it's YOUR business. I won't judge you. Please do, however, consider the expectation that is created when we pay YOU for a product.

Also... You mention that you will be publish another existing plugin that replaces SD Live? Your post says "last week". Does that mean you've already published it? Or do you mean you will publish it soon?

Thanks for answers and for all the hard work you guys do to create and maintain SEBLOD. Nothing I've said here should indicate a lack of gratitude on my part... only constructive feedback. 

Best Regards,


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6

Yesterday I did some tests with different Seblod versions and SD live plugin seems to work ok for me with all of them including latest one (3.3.6). If anyone has a away to reproduce supposed SD live incompatibility with latest Seblod, please let us know.

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