Hello Bes,
Thank you for your answer. In the meantime I found a solution by myself for my painful problem.
Nevertheless, I think that it would be worthwhile considering
certainly NOT stopping 3rd party contributors but to throw in a safeguarding clause to them.
People much more involved than me, having huge websites up, for sure they do make updates as well, not so? Imagine them finding a bug due to incompatibility? If they 'forgot' to make a back-up and cannot roll back, they and the users of the sites will be in for a nightmare, not so?
In this case Simon is too busy (which I respect) with another project but ... what if a developer where not to be of this planet anymore or simple not interested? If his plugin were to be a cornerstone (as e.g. concat) being used in many sites, will the whole Seblod project come to a halt as everyone will be stuck with a site that cannot be updated anymore?
That's where my reflection grew that when commercial 3rd party elements have a compatibility problem, the Seblod team should have the right to access the code and fix it. Up to the developer to foot the bill if need be if repair wasn't done in due time. This could be deducted for example from future sales of that plugin, etc
Like this Seblod remains a beloved, strong and especially reliable partner on top of Joomla to any application builder
Not so?