10 years ago


I'm actually testing Seblod and it seems a really powerfull and promising (to me) CCK.

But where the hell is the documentation ??
There is so much options and without a complete documentation it is very hard to understand everything ...
Also a lot (almost all) of fields have no help tooltips ...

I'm using other CCK like F2C, Zoo or Content Builder so i'm not a beginner but some actions are really not easy to understand in Seblod.
Please provide a real doc for this extension !

Really hard to use it like this.

Get a VIP membership
10 years ago
Level 2

THX Klas ! Just what I was looking for this morning :)

Nice day :))

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

Thx for your answer but i already looked all these tutorials, manuals, FAQ and also videos and there is only very basic stuffs there.

The v2 documentation version will help cause there is much more things in it, thanks.

I still think this extension miss a real exhaustive doc. :p

Cheers !

10 years ago
Level 3

But on v2 doc nothing about list and searchs ...

I still don't know how to display only articles owned by connected user on a list ...

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

You can filter any list by setting value of the field on the Search form tab. 

If by "connected user" you mean current user, you will need to put "Article created by" field on the Search form and then set its live value (click button 2 on the right side) to User, click on Configure and then enter id as Property. To hide this field from displaying on the site you can put it to Hiden postion bellow.

10 years ago
Level 5

Ok Klas, thanks a lot.

Always better when someone know and tell ... I begin to understand seblod philisophy.

And what about a button to add a new article on top of list ?

187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Hi Klas,

I've read this a couple of times now...

"To hide this field from displaying on the site you can put it to Hiden postion bellow"

What is the difference between hiding it in the 'variation' - hidden position

Or put the field in the almost at the bottom position #hidden ?

Is one better then the other?

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Generally you can use both, but sometimes fields don't render properly when they are actually hidden (using hidden variation) due to some javascript not running on hidden fields,with hidden position field is rendered completely but its parent is hidden

10 years ago
Level 1

After almost one week of use i have to say it again : This extensions need a documentation !

A basic one to understand standard and basic behaviour of forms and lists (for details of each field and zone tooltips wanted).

And one doc for each plugin ... especially plugins we buyed.

A little bit frustrating to buy a plugin and have no doc to use it correctly.

Please think about it ... thx.

59 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

And one doc for each plugin ... especially plugins we buyed. A little bit frustrating to buy a plugin and have no doc to use it correctly.

My sentiments exactly.

10 years ago
Level 1

And one doc for each plugin ... especially plugins we buyed.

A little bit frustrating to buy a plugin and have no doc to use it correctly.

I totally agree on this one.

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