10 years ago
hi! whats the ways to display latest registered user's profile pic on home page in a slider form.
User been asked to upload his/her pic(avatar) at the user registration time.
using seblod 3x on joomla 2.5
many thanks with regards
- anirudh

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10 years ago
Level 1
HI anirudh,

you can make a new List&Search Type where you search for the user content type.

In the Orderin tab you add the field User Id and set ordering to Descending.

This will give you a list of all users with the latest user at the top.

Now in configuration tab you set Limit to 1. This way the search returns only 1 result which is the latest user.

In the list tab you can choose a template (e.g. seb_blog).

In the item tab you assign your user profile picture field to the position you want.

Then you can save.

Now create a new module of type SEBLOD list and choose the Search type you created earlier.

This module you can place anywhere on your homepage.

I don't understand why you need to have a slider, because you want to show only the latest registered user. So you have nothing to slide.

Give it a try and let me know how it worked out.

10 years ago
Level 2
hi! gerhand
It work out i one go, thank you for your post n steps you wrote
though i have few questions regarding the print screen
1. how to hide texts "Name and User Avatar"
2. How to get rid-off tool tip (picture file name) which appears if bring mouse over it.
3. Can I display more member profiles in descending order horizontally towards right hand side like 6 at one time.

with regards n many thanks
10 years ago
Level 3
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello anirudh,

I'm glad my solution works for you.
Here are some answers:
1. To hide the Label texts (Name and User Avatar) you go to your List&Search type and in the column where it says "Label" on the top, you put in "clear" (without the quotes)

2. See here
3. Set the limit of your search to 6 and for the layout see here

And maybe you could read up a little on HTML and CSS ;-)
10 years ago
Level 2
yup! got it. excellent.. :)

many thanks
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