10 years ago
Hello folks,

I was wondering if its possible to create a fully functional dating website with SEBLOD.
And what I would be and would not be able to do?
Also from your experience how easy upgratable SEBLOD is?
Will it let you update without issues? Or you will lose your data or other implications?
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi craziedde,

Of course its possible. But you will have to be more specific with your questions.  We can not begin to list all of the SEBLOD capabilities. 

As far a upgrades, that is also a subjective question - each person will have their own experiences.  Only people with problems will be listed here on the forums,  where everyone else that doesn't have issues, will not feel the need to publish their experiences.


10 years ago
Level 2
Hi craziedde,

I'm just learning Seblod -- my intention is to create a pretty involved site with a lot of related articles... similar to what you are trying to do (I'm not creating a dating site, but you will be creating related articles too probably).  I've created about 75% of the basic structure of my site, and so far I've not found anything that Seblod can't do.  In order to create a complex site like you are planning, you will likely need to purchase several plugins.

I'm not done yet, and I'm still learning, so maybe I will come across some things that Seblod can't do.  Time will tell!

I evaluated several CCK's for Joomla before choosing Seblod.  Good luck!

10 years ago
Level 3
Hi kwoychesko,

yes, related articles. Also lots of data pulled and displayed. Also advanced search. One of my fears is learning curve with SEBLOD. But on the other hand this is a good tool for future advanced projects.
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy,

What I like about SEBLOD it works with native joomla data ( correct me if I'm wrong ). And this is a huge place.

The specific features that I'm looking for are. Strong members interactions. Very strong search. Lots of data display options.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi crazyiedde,

It would be good to understand SEBLOD storage operation.
Storage Options with SEBLOD
Storage Mastery
How to manage fields storage

Also look at the Lists in the manuals:
Custom Search Types

The demo section will help you see what else is available.

Hope that helps,


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