106 Posts
11 years ago

Hello all.

I believe that this question is old as Seblod.

What is the best practice? 

1.For new App to use existing Joomla tables and maybe add additional needed columns

2. Create new ones and do not alter Joomla native tables.

In case if there is new tables for App:

Is it possible to Export Joomla Article and Category as an App or duplicate them as new App and then add to new Tables? ("Problem" is that need publish/unpublish article / date time, language associations, metas, etc needed for this new App and this process in some way is to "duplicate joomla", but could be nice to make it more automatic.

Still didn't checked, but what happens with database and newly created Tables at App Export process? Did it keep everything, so on next instance no need to make Tables again?

Also, is there posibility to make Field  so it is Language dependant?

Thank you in advance


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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello krkr

Usually what I do (and this could be the wrong practice I'm not sure), but if I'm creating an app (locally for example) that I know i'll be exporting, I'll create the app folder as root.  Then all of my content types/fields related to that app I also make sure are stored in that specific app folder. I do this so it's not dependent on the "core table" and I am easily able to export and import the app on any new site with all of the tables/data restored.  Now this might not be the best solution depending on what your're trying to do and you definitely want to understand seblod storage in going this route.

Hope this helps

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