10 years ago


we defined some custom search criteria stored in the registered user profile so that these criteria are used as filters in seblod searches on some contents.

We can make cron tasks calling this list url with some additional parameters (user_id)  at a specific rate given in the user's profile too.

The seblod lists takes user's specific fields (the criteria) used as filters in the search process.

But how can we email the whole result (the list) ?

If we could do it we would be able to make our own flexible newsletter system

What would be the best approach according to you please?


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10 years ago
Level 1

I must add Adrien from Acymailing recently wrote he could integrate quite quickly seblod lists as Acymailing tags for his automatic newsletters. I'm note sure it will include the user's criteria. I guess it will only be seblod lists and there won't be a way to have customized lists according to the user's profile.


However I believe we will have more power and flexibility if we only use seblod and email fields. but how ?


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I also posted on that topic in Acyba forum, I'm too interested on it

10 years ago
Level 3


I'm sure Adrien from Acymailing can include seblod tags so that the newsletter can take seblod lists. He also confirms he would allow the end user to specify his own sending process frequency (day, week,...) but it would take more time to build this feature.

According to me the real issue would be then to be able to let the end user specify his own query. The objective is not to receive the latest contents from admin defined categories (or example) but to let the end user specify his own criteria so that the seblod search would take this user's profile values and reinject them (live value - button 2) so that he would receive his OWN query.



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