8 years ago

Hello everyone,

I desire learn the basics of Seblod applying them to a website and professional project. The site will use the standard Joomla content in the blog content category and in the descriptive static pages of the company. I would use the potential of the cck seblod to create content that have however a number of parameters that can be searched and displayed.

I have some questions by neophyte:

  • It is possible to associate the new fields only to articles in specific categories? Or new fields are associated with all articles managed by Seblod?
  • It is necessary to create a special app to do this? In fact I need to create three types of content with three different types of parameters but in some cases connected to each other.
  • It is possible to make calculations with numerical parameters?

Thank you and congratulations to the community and developers

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


field are assigned to each content type( which can be anything) separatelly, I suggest that for the start you read articles from


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