7 years ago


Je suis en train de créer une bibliothèque avec Seblod et je voudrais votre avis pour l’agencement

Catégories Joomla pour les différentes catégories de livres

Articles pour chaque livre

Pour les auteurs et les éditeurs je les mets dans une Liste de sélection multiple (il y a parfois plusieurs auteurs et plusieurs éditeurs pour un même livre)

Je voudrais faire éventuellement une recherche par auteur aussi

Est-ce que cet agencement est judicieux ou est-ce qu’il y a plus efficace ?

Merci à l’avance pour vos suggestions


Get a Book for SEBLOD
1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


I would have 3 content types based on the Article Object 




When creating a book article, have a fieldx for author and a fieldx for publisher. 

Also in your form have a button to create new author and a button to create new publisher. 

I did this and it works great. 

I used a select dynamic to pull in the authors with storage set to none I created a fieldx with storage 'custom' 'article' 'fieldx_name[field_name]'

If that makes sense I can add screenshots of what I did for search as well.


salutJe voudrais avoir 3 types de contenu basé sur l'objet article 




Lors de la création d'un article de livre, d'avoir un fieldx pour l'auteur et un fieldx pour l'éditeur. 

Aussi dans votre formulaire ont un bouton pour créer un nouvel auteur et un bouton pour créer un nouvel éditeur.

J'ai fait cela et ça marche très bien. J'ai employé une dynamique select pour tirer dans les auteurs avec l'ensemble de stockage à aucun J'ai créé un fieldx avec le stockage 'custom' 'article' 'fieldx_name [field_name]' 

Si cela fait sens, je peux ajouter des captures d'écran de ce que j'ai fait pour la recherche ainsi.

7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bucklash

Thanks a lot for your answer and for your help to build a library

I would appreciate screenshots for search

Do you have a link to your library if I can see it as public


1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Hi / Salut

You can see the end result here:

Search Form

Content View

I have started a tutorial but need to add the images....
Will do when have chance<br>

Showing an example of using 'FieldX'

There might be a better way but this works for me.

This would be similar to a book content type where you can add multiple authors, and multiple publishers etc...

I have a Content Type called 'Bands and Artists'
I have a content type called 'Lesson Files'
In the Admin form for 'Lesson Files' I want to add at least one 'Band and Artist'.
In the Admin form for 'Lesson Files' I want to be able to create a new 'Band and Artist' if required.
ADMIN Form View
In my 'Lesson Files' I add a 'Select Dynamic' Field to pull in the list of existing 'Bands and Artists'
Field Name: choose_bands_and_artists
Table: #__content
Options Name: title
Options Value: id
Where: catid=12 AND state=1
Storage: None

Storage is none because 'FieldX' will be handling it.

In my 'Lesson Files' I add a 'FieldX' Field to duplicate the 'Choodse Bands and Artists' field.
Field Name: added_bands_and_artists
Field*: choose_bands_and_artists
Storage: Custom | Article | bands_artists[choose_bands_and_artists]
I also add a 'Button Free' to enable me to add a new 'Bands and Artists' if required
Name: button_to_add_bands_and_artists
Link: Form {Link: "Content Type = Band or Artist"}
Storage: None
I add the 'FieldX' field to show the added 'Bands and Artists'
Select 2 (Link + Typography) and in Typography column, select:  Collection - List
SEARCH Form View
I created a new 'Select Dynamic' field: 'Filter Bands and Artists'
Name: filter_bands_and_artists
Table: #__content
Options Name: title
Options Value: id
Where: catid=12
Storage: Custom | Article | bands_artists[choose_bands_and_artists]
Select 3 (Match + Stage) and in 'Match' select 'Exact' and choose your FieldX, for me it was 'added_bands_and_artists'
Add the 'FieldX' field: added_bands_and_artists
Select 2 (Link + Typography) and in Typography column, select:  Collection - List
NOTE: In a Search Form you can only add 1 fieldx to a Search Generic field.
7 years ago
Level 4

Thank you again for your quick response

I will work on it later. For now I just have another question. A few months ago I began an Address Book and I could hide labels for two fields but I don't remember how I did it. Can you explain me. Labels cachés (labels under Dimanche for infos and image are hidden)

I will show you the result when the library wil be ok


PS: I wish I visit Australia some day...

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5


Type 'clear' in to the label area.

Yes, Perth is pretty damn good. Been here 5 years now!

7 years ago
Level 6

Hi bucklash

I began to create the booklibrary : http://www.passerat.org/bibliothequeseblod/

Actually it is public as long as I learn. I will set it as private after

Little by little I understand how it works

Thank you again for all your help

Have good music with your students !


Get a Book for SEBLOD