9 years ago


I'd like to add some features to joomla where members can submit their internet radio streams (mainly shoutcast) similar to tunein but more features.
Members could create their own page for their music or live stream, there would be a small audio player sitting at the top of any newly create page.
So the player would maybe be html5 or something like that, it would let the user enter their stream url into a field when they are creating their page.
So when the page is published, their stream would automatically play in the player on their page.

I haven't decided on a player yet, not exactly sure what would work best.

Some kind of neat display on the front end, like a list of blocks with an image on each block, small description.
If I could get a small audio play button to work in each block that would be perfect, you can see something similar on the front page of tunein .com

Not sure exactly how to achieve this, but hopefully someone could give me some ideas.. can I do this with Soblod?

Thanks in advance

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi sounds,

Welcome to SEBLOD. Yes, absolutely! The File Upload field can be used for your users to upload their .mp3 or audio files. Then you can do some template position overrides in order to load the .mp3 in a player. 

Certainly all the user registration, profile pages, audio upload etc. can be managed with SEBLOD.

Check out the manuals page to get started.



9 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the reply jrmo

I'm not sure how or what player would best work for this, but this is how I picture it.
When someone creates a page, there would be an audio web player already installed on their page.
So in the form, there would be a field where they'd enter their shoutcast stream URL and once they activate their page, it's playing that stream.
With maybe a default stream URL in it already so it's playing something when they submit their new page. example: http://333.456.76.777:9999/
The stream would just play automatically in their player, instead of having to wait for the admin to approve it.

I am excited thinking about it but like before I got lost while testing cck platforms.

If anyone has any neat ideas how I could do this I'd appreciate it greatly.

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