11 years ago

On my web site, after I have installed SEBLOD, there is a string like that: "newspolioniger::cck::73::/cck::::introtext::במדינה, אחת המטרות של..." appearing on the AiDaNEWS2 Module.

It is right on our home page, so it is very disturbing.

To see this on our web site, please goto here, observe the top-left module (this is the news module) with the above string appearing in it.

Please advise how can I solve this.

Thank you!


Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hello morsagmon,

this is because the module in not well coded. it ask directly the database and don't use the joomla plugin content.

One solution is to hack the module to remove SEBLOD tags.



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