6 Posts
9 years ago

Hi Seblod community,

I've created a menu to create/edit article in front end (site form).

Among the available fields there is a category select one (JForm - Category).

This category field is empty when not logged-in. While when logged-in I can select a category in wich record article.

For the test purpose I've set to Allowed all the option of the Public access level and my categories are in Public access view.

I've missed a setting but not know wich one.

Thank you for helping.

Best regards

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17 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I also in your same problem. When I am not logged in, the list of categories is empty.

I also did the test using the "Admin form" and there if properly displays the list.

What could be happening?

17 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I answer myself. After searching and analyzing I found that the problem was not in Seblod, but the permission settings of Joomla. We must go to "Article Manager" / "Options" / "Permissions" and set as we have in the picture ...

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