82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago

Why do the SEBLOD supplied applications (such as Feedback, FAQs, Intranet, and Videos) have 2 categories?  Videos has Videos and Videos as a subcategory of Videos, Intranet has Intranet and Intranet as a subcategory of Intranet, Frequently Asked Questions has FAQ and FAQ as a subcategory of FAQ, and Feedback has Feedback and Feedback as a subcategory of Feedback.  I don't understand the logic behind this and maybe understanding it would help me figure out how SEBLOD works.

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4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Categories are just a categorizing helper (like tags), so you can change that structure as you wish, you just need to change the live value of the article category field in the content type form to the desired value and newly created items will be stored in that category.

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago
Level 2

I appreciate you trying to help but that's not answering my question. I'm quite well aware of what categories are for.  MY question is why do they have tWO for each one of their applications,  Especially when the parent and child categories essentialky have the same name. 

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