10 years ago


In my site I get some information from users and give them a traking code,

I did it with rsform.

But now I'd like to have a section in my Admin that I enter a tracking code in one filed and answer of it in another.

in frontend user can enter a traking code in one field and see the result.

Is it posssible with seblod?


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178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


Yes. Seblod can do it. 

10 years ago
Level 2

Can you explain how can I do that?

which tutorial must I read?

Is it free or I must buy addon for seblod?


10 years ago
Level 1

HI raz,

welcome on SEBLOD world.

Thank Jeka for your participation.

Like Jeka said, yes SEBLOD can archieve what you need. SEBLOD is totally free like may plugin, templates.... 

After that depending on your project, you will probably need some SEBLOD components which are not free.

The best way to begin with SEBLOD is to read manuals and watch videos in the documentation section.

Best regards.


10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Raz

Actually we already did such an application for a customer. I strongly recommend to use Seblod to build the whole application from scratch since it will allow a seamless workflow in your process.

1- you build a first 'site' (frontend) form for the end users where they enter information. When they submit the form Seblod yields a tracking number (on screen and in an automatic email). An additional notification email (with the tracking number)  is sent to the admin so that he knows he has to answer.

2-the admin manages the 'ticket' in back or front office (you really can do either way with Seblod) provinding an answer. A seblod search&list on the ticket gives him the question/information according to the tracking number.

3-upon the submitting of the form a new email is sent to the end user engaging him to come back and read the answser.

This is really a typical seblod application, don't worry you CAN do it :)


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