11 years ago

im new to Seblod and try make an EventCalendar. But Seblod is "hard to master" :) Can someone point me to the right direction?

Also i need an Calendar "Modue" to show months and events in it...

Thx for any help,
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175 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Maybe you can use the Archived Article module, since as far as I have seen, there is no calendar template for Seblod.
Also, if you are in a hurry, try ZOO... There is an Event app in ZooLander as an extension to ZOO (Events), if you want to stay with CCKs. Unfortunately, that one is far from cheap. If you need a KISS and free solution, there is always - JEvents.
11 years ago
Level 1

We will publish the event solution in December 2013, see this link: event

Best regards.
11 years ago
Level 2
Hi Alex,

looks very very nice. Will it be an App? And is it for free?

Anyway, thx Alex
548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2
Hi Alex,
Seblod 3.2.1 is been released,
Please, Do you have any news about the Seblod Event solution ?
164 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Alex,

the template looks great. I couldn't find it in the Store. Is it still not published?

Thanks for your answer

10 years ago
Level 1
Hi, due to a Customer questioning, i'm also interested if and when a Solution will be provided...

looking forward,
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
The Seblod Events page page looks promising. I assume the lower boxes are modules with their own list template?

Some questions raise in my mind:
1.) If there are 3 lists and views, doesn´t it have an impact on performance and query amount? What is the best practice to have multiple views on a page... Is it a difference and task for the new Seblod product "Form & List Pack"?
2.) Is it possible to switch the view/list template on a page?
(I know this feature from Cobalt CCK, which allows multiple templates per list!)
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

The calendar template will be out soon. As Alex mentioned earlier, he would already like it to be released. So it is on it's way!

As for the query amounts, its the same as listing articles - 3 queries shouldn't be a problem. As for the templates, you can create a custom template!


233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Regarding 2.)
I don`t mean custom template … I mean multiple templates/different views on the same page and data. As far as I know the configuration, it is always 1 menu-item type per view and this can have only 1 template assigned to it. Same applies for a Seblod module. How to have more than 1 view/template, where the the user can change the display and template?
10 years ago
Level 1
Wow! Good News! :-)
I am so excited to try out the new calendar. It will be another great step forward.
10 years ago
Level 1
10 years ago
Level 1
Thank you so much for posting this link. I will try it next week! COOOOOOOL!! :-)

Best regards Jürgen
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

The Seblod Events page page looks promising. I assume the lower boxes are two separate modules with their own list template. Is there an issue with the search field? You can enter a keyword and it seems to find entries, but it does not show anything as a result. Only the counter displays a total amount. So, i guess it would be very handy to have an event-listing. Maybe as a different view style OR displayed simultaneously below the calendar. 

Some related questions in my mind:

  1. What is best practice to have multiple views/lists on a page... Is it a task for the new Seblod product "Form & List Pack"? 
  2. Is it possible to switch the view/list template on a list page? (BTW, I know this as a basic feature from Cobalt CCK. If you select multiple templates per listing, you get get a view-switcher in frontend)

Thanks in advance.

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