151 Posts
10 years ago
Hi folks,

can please someone confirm this before i add this possible bug to the tracker.

Joomla 3.2.1 + Seblod 3.2.1
Joomla 3.2.1 + Seblod 3.2.2
When saving an admin form i get these error. Tested with 3 different projects, all the same:

#art_title# IS A FIELD

Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class Helper_Include in /usr/.../components/com_cck/helpers/helper_include.php on line 15
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143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Pixelneco,

See my post http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/one-content-type-not-saving-in-admin-view where I had a similar problem: I was not able to save content (for one content type only) in Admin view. Saving content for the same content-type in Site view wasn't a problem.
I didn't manage to detect nor solve the problem and thus I decided to create a new content typ with exactly the same fields and configuration and everything worked. The boring thing was obviously the fact that I had to re-enter all the articles ..

This was in J3.2.1 + S3.2.1 - I haven't upgraded yet ..

Kind regards,
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello all,
we have several website in this case, and we don't have this kind of problem.

is it with all of your content types ?
If not, which plugin fields have you in the form which have this error.

151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Bernard an Lionel

thanks for the replies. This is what i found out so far:

In one project, i added the new plugin "SEBLOD Form & List Pack" to show a form in one of my content types without using a module. Now when i use this plugin (Seblod Form) in my intro or content view, i get the error message above. But it still works, so i can show the form in my content. Removing the plugin-field from intro/ content view fixes the problem. The content type worked fine before, but i guess it was before i used the plugin.

In the other project the "Article Tags" field seems to cause the trouble. Like in the project above, i get an error only when i have the article tags field in my intro or content view. In this case the content type with article tags field definitely worked before ( with Seblod 3.2.1), but after updating to 3.2.2 troubles get started.

The third project i could not check yet.

Kind regards
143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hello Lionel and pixelneco,

In my case, it was only with the form of one content type in the admin side. It was working fine before..

I might be wrong but I think the problem started around and about the time I did the following:
- I replaced the old SD concat (the free one) by the paid SD concat.
- I also had a comment type of system (Young) which I successfully replaced it with the paid Seblod Form&List pack

On the other hand I had the RP-maps in there which some time ago gave me a blank screen in the frontend (content).
Besides the normal Seblod fields and a WYSIWYG field there was nothing really spectacular in it.

As a matter of fact, through the search&List (links), you can have a look at a replica of that content type here:
http://kusttram.com/zwin/ontdekken/testpagina-ontwikkeling (under construction)

Kind regards,

143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hello Lionel and pixelneco,


Saving the content form (article) in admin works fine with the (paid) SD concat.

As soon as I added the 2 Seblod Form&List fields in that content type, I opened an an existing content form (article) in admin and when trying to save it without any modification, it gave me the following line on a blank page:
#loc_straatnaam# IS A FIELD#loc_straatnummer# IS A FIELD[, ] IS A STRING#loc_deelgemeente# IS A FIELD[, ] IS A STRING#loc_land# IS A FIELD and it refused to save the article.

This text which appeared while trying to save the article was a straight quote out of my concat instructions ..

Then I took out the 2 Seblod Form&List fields out of the content type and tried to save the same content form again (article) in admin and it worked flawlessly.

So .. there is a clash between SD concat the 2 Seblod Form&List fields I guess ..

Good luck!
151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
hi Bernard,

for the message "#art_title# IS A FIELD" you are right, it is caused by SD Concat. Bu i get still the Fatal Error message when showing the form in my article intro/ content.

For the project with the article tags problem i do not use SD Concat and the problem is still there :(
151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

on both projects i turned on the Smart Search plugin recently. Turning off solves the problem. So there is a some kind of conflict with Joomlas Smart Search.
143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

It's been 3 days ... yet I do need Smart search, SD Concat AND the 2 Seblod Form&List fields to work concurrently.

Yesterday, after having made a backup, I tried to update to Seblod 3.2.2 through the Seblod updater but I got the following statement:
0 error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1112)
My Mysql = 5.5.9 and PHP = 5.3.18 - WebServer to PHP Interface = cgi-fcgi

Then I updated Seblod 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 through the Joomla interface and everything went 100% smoothly.

Now the issue remains that when I try to save an article with Smart search, SD Concat AND the 2 Seblod Form&List fields, I get a blank page with my instructions for SD Concat: #loc_straatnaam# IS A FIELD#loc_straatnummer# IS A FIELD[, ] IS A STRING#loc_deelgemeente# IS A FIELD[, ] IS A STRING#loc_land# IS A FIELD and it refused to save the article.

When I TAKE OUT THE 2 Seblod Form&List fields, the article save smoothly.

Is there no fix yet for this problem?

Kind regards,
151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Bernard,

i have also still the same troubles you have and i am sorry that i cant help you (and of course me :) ). It seems that Smart Search still needs some development. I can remember that i had other troubles with it before using Seblod...

kind regards
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