7 years ago


I test seblod and find easy to create custom fields using the GUI .

I learn howto create a ( joomla) plugin module extension since seblod need to know php ,  joomla php , seblod php . 

So i have  questions since i real a lot about Seblod and J2Store and have no time to test by my own : 

-1 what are the best ressource ( on internet) for learn howto link all the joomla extension ( i think parameter and user input/selection )? 

-2 Does seblod support joomla and falang translation extension ? 

-3 Does seblod let us do translation ( label/ column table name  only i think  not cell / Value ? ) for very label field name attach to any table name ? 

the question 3) is relative to translation . for a developper ; what is the logic to create a ( many / bunch) of custom fields in this table name and not another table name already available in joomla.  Does the translation is supported only for new fields create inside article table ? 

Regard's , Thank's

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Seblod does not work with falang or lanternfish. Please see attached multilanguage manual about translation possibilities of Seblod.

548 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

Hi guys,

Please, Do you have any update on using SEBLOD with Falang ?

...and what about this plugin ?

5 years ago
Level 3

Hi joomleb,

no work on our side in this way, so I'm closing this topic. 

You can follow the project on on the link you provide above.  


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