106 Posts
11 years ago

Hi all

Are there anyone alive with solutions and help INCLUDING creators of SEBLOD, or everything is left as it seems right now?

SEBLOD is DEAD and it will not continue, use what is left?

And thanks for "support" of course. Even with paid plugins and fields.


Get a Book for SEBLOD
45 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi krkr,

I guess your bitter tone comes from some unanswered posts of yours... I can assure you that Seblod creators are alive and well, as well as their component ! Their paid support has been tremendous, regarding deadlines and after-hour work. Not only do they live, but they solve big problems too.

Spreading FUD is one way to solve the problems/bugs/whatever have with this component, but saying it is dead sounds slightly out of proportion. I will try to read your other posts to see if answers come to mind.


106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


Yes, of course it is bitter and unanswered posts, lack of info, and god knows what else. If I have anything I just give it away, so people can use, cause it is all for us together.

But to fight for hours with problems, "suck out info from finger" and get advice from creators close to zero just kills.


11 years ago
Level 1

I've often said that there is not enough activity or answers here.  This is WAY too little documention too. 

Seblod is GREAT but support is horrible. 

In some defense, people get their solutions and don't return.  

One time I even had some idiot reply to me saying, you ask too many questions. You should stop.  Can you believe that?  My jaw dropped.  

I have had an unanswered open question that I've even tried rephrasing several ways to see if I was just confusing everyone. Nope, just not getting enough views I think.  

Anyway, I understand your frustration and let you know that I'm always willing to help but my knowledge is pretty limited right now. 


151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

1) I guess with "idiot" you mean me. I cant believe to read such childish thing in a forum like that. Great manners! Buy the way how old are you? 12?

2) I NEVER said you are asking too many questions. I just said, that you are opening too many NEW TOPICS in VERY SHORT TIME. Think about that, if everyone would open 20 topics! in only one month, how could his forum work? Some days i saw only topics you opened. And the most answers i saw from you so far is like "lame support, lame forum, lame everything...." Wherever someone complains about the support, you are always there...

3) I can remember (and of course you dont) that i helped you with an issue AFTER our little dispute. It was my way to say "hey dude no offense, it was just a friendly reminder. Of course i will still help you and others where i can". But after hearing some childish stuff like "idiot" i regret that i helped you anyway....

4) Couple weeks ago, i had some issue where EVERY forum user could help me. So it was a chance for the beginners, to give something back. To help without ANY seblod knowledge. But guess what, no krkr or no Dave aka dniezby was there to help out. It was a moderator and someone from the old forum who helped me. Right, it is always easy to blame others...

5) You think you are the only one getting frustrated sometimes? Every Seblod beginner have to get around with a tough time. I started Seblod one year ago but i feel like that i only understand 30% of it. I do not know what your expectations are...

17 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Almost two weeks and no solution in my thread either, I'm starting to think that krkr is right!  www.seblod.com/community/forums/templates-position-variations/default-joomla-image-fields

11 years ago
Level 1

It's not childish to be offended by someone complaining about asking too many questions...Isn't that the purpose of a forum?  Too many topics = too many questions.  Was I supposed to wait a month for the answer between questions? 

Yes, I am there when someone complains about the support or lack thereof because the product doesn't balance with the support.  A product as awesome as this has NO ONE available to help it's users? If it's only one person, so be it.  Keep working on it and improving it but if this is the case, LET US KNOW!

As for helping you, would love too...Though I don't remember seeing anything that you've posted that I could help with.  I know so little about this component and really really wish I could run around answering questions for people.  I can't even answer questions about "how to use this field" because so many of those links don't open up anything that tells you how to use the field...

Here is what I know how to do:

  • Create a text, date, dynamic list, check box field.
  • Create a form using those fields.
  • VERY basic list.
  • Create a Basic link field.

Oh, and I finally understand the differences between Site Form and & Content. Still don't understand the point of Intro form.

Pixel, I did NOT remember that it was you that said that too me. I do remember that you helped me and I DO appreciate any and all help I receive.

I will say one thing,  every time I piss off members on this forum suddenly there are a flurry of answers. 

This component could be SOOOOO BIG if there was someone to help people learn to use it.  THAT is my biggest frustration.

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

It is not about waiting time, it is about respecting other users with their needs for publishing their problems and issues. Before creating a new topic you can always:

  • check the old forum (most of the stuff there is still valid)
  • check the v2 documentation
  • check the new forum

if your problem was solved or at least mentioned before. I think i made my point clear. Since you disagree with everything i say, we can stop here wasting our time and concentrate more on Seblod.

By the way this is the topic i mentioned above. No big deal as you can see. Waited 3 days for the first reply which is not so bad. But again, this was something EVERY forum users could help me out. Especially those, who expect for their own topics replies/ solutions within hours!

106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

To be honest IT IS about time/waiting and solutions. 

What to do if I checked out old forum/v2 documentation/new forum and found only problem, not solution?

What to do if people asked solution month ago and got NOTHING, but it is clear that problem is in product by default?

Examples? Please problem and the same story with variations (btw, checkbox problem solved by myself, responsive problem still persist). Ok, call me a fool, if can't solve this, but also I can't find solution for this. If there is solution for this, please show it.

So, what should I do now? No big deal, month around/ two weeks around and no response, I can wait of course more, till the last day of my life :).

And the last thing, SOMEONE has knowledge about SEBLOD. How can we get these out to forum if we do not have them? From where? It's like "we have fantastic toolbox with instruments and promise that you can do everything with it, but we do not have instructions and will not explain how to use it and will not help on anything, just use it ..."

Smartphone is smart as its user, the same is for SEBLOD. We can and we will learn, but if there will not be materials for learning (and problem solutions) then it will take ages. And then once again this question will raise.

Solutions? I would like to pay for help and support, but I want to build myself and ask on specific things, BUT TO GET AN ANSWER. Make subscription plans, whatever. But let us have help and solutions somehow. 

For now ... "Great CCK, can do everything (more or less and WHO KNOWS HOW - because no info). BUT no help, no solutions, no documentations, no examples. Be prepared." 

Like old "fairy tail"; god created world in seven days, and off you go, live your own life, you can pray, worship me, but you will never see me and to be honest I will not appear to help, you are on your own. Yeah there are some miracles happening. Gods works, gods works ... Don't like this god? Change the planet or god.

Ok, I am off to experiment for some more time on field calculation, maybe I will solve it, using 5th field on calculation.


11 years ago
Level 4


i would like to see a individual section in the new forum that dealt with installation and upgrades


11 years ago
Level 1

I can understand krkr with his frustration about lack of documentation and support. This has been a problem with SEBLOD from the start.

There is pretty good documentation around for v2. But it is often hard to find because so many links to the old forum are broken. The worst thing for people how start with SEBLOD now is the broken "How to use this field" links. I mentioned this in another post of mine 2 weeks ago. There has been no reply from the dev team.

I understand that the developers of SEBLOD give away most of it for free and that they have a job to do to earn money. But still I think they should spend more time on answering questions here. The only ones that seem to be around here sometimes are Bes and Lionel.

Issues posted to the tracker aren't answered at all by the dev team. Their status is all open, nothing solved or in progress. This can lead to the impression that development of the component is dead. If someone new who comes to evaluate SEBLOD as possible component for their project sees the tracker it would surely drive them away from even giving it a try.

I also sometimes feel like this forum is dead compared to the old forum. Help there was much faster which can lead to the impression that less people are using SEBLOD now. I think that the lack of features of the new forum software could be one reason why only few people are using it.

This is such a great component and I really hope that the documentation and support issues can be solved in near future to help grow the community of its users.

I'm using SEBLOD for many of my clients websites. They pay for my work and I have deadlines. Sometimes I just cannot wait for days to solve a problem.

Personally, I would prefer to pay for a subscription and get professional support quickly rather than posting questions here and hanging in for days until receiving an answer - or receiving none at all.

Finalyy, I would like to thank all active users of this forum who spend their time to help others.

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi gebeer, I'm agree with you.

1 - I understand pixelneco, but I understand also dniezby because I also had to do a lot of "stupid" questions, but not because I'm stupid, simply because there is no an ordered documentation! And, in first, there isn't a beginners guide! There are a lot of documentation pieces here and around the net, usually small guides left from users. But is impossible find and read them! 
What is incredible is that Seblod would be the "App builder" and here on Seblod site unable to organize a Guide section where all users can left their solution/guide ?!? Simply incredible ! 

2 - Sometimes the Seblod team reply, but the most of times if is just a reply, without a following! If the topic is solved or not you will not receive any more answers and topic will remain unsolved! Simply incredible. Just some of the infinite examples:
- Here for example a topic where I post 1 month ago a "bug" asking to confirm it and what I have to do. I never received a reply.
- Here 20 days ago Saba answering to a bug report speak about a new release with the fix. I replied asking about release date, I never received a reply.
- Here 5 months ago I asked about the HikaShop integration announced 8 months 1 week ago from Seb! And I never received a reply.
I must say that many times I feel stupid to keep asking the same things and, sure, I cannot learn and go further if I do not have the answers on the previous issues. I have the proof I'm not stupid because I'm able to use joomla and a lot of extensions simply reading the guides.

3 - Well, i don't know if for you joomla is a hobby, for me is work. I had to abandon a multisite project "don't understanding" a lot of things. My opinion is clear: "Paid Support & Seblod Pro". So, for me:
- Cannot be a money problem. Many people would love pay to have support!;
- Cannot be a "no time" problem, because with "support money" you can employ one internal man just for support and a no answer is too different from a delayed answer!;
- Also if Octopoos use Seblod for their projects and leave it free for the community (many thanks), do support mean solve bugs and develope quickly! For me is incredible write these things in an App Builder forum!

I tried to be "social" reporting detailed "bugs", asking questions, posting my solutions and helping people as I can (I have 133 posts, may there are a lot of "stupid" posts).
But this "no answers" situation is really incredible, and at the end I can not give wrong krkr, really often Seblod looks abandoned.
Sure Seblod team can undestand my English words and they know I like Seblod, this is why I'm writing...

10 years ago
Level 3

Hello joomleb, hello all,

first: no question is silly.

Second: yes we all understand your English and we are agree with a lot of comments of this topic and this is very frustrating for all of us. I can assure you that we are working very hard to improve the situation.

Have you contact directly Octopoos for a paid support?

The Pro Support Section on the website is very close to being finished, but the service already exists. For the time, I invite all those who want professional support to contact directly Octopoos.

Best regards.


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Lionel, Many Thanks for your answer.

  • I used "stupid" also hooping that can help dniezby and pixelneco to understand between their, without missunderstanding.  
  • "Have you contact directly Octopoos for a paid support?" : No, I didn't know about this opportunity. Also on my "Paid Support & Seblod Pro" post nobody wrote about that. I yet sent a request using the link you provided.
  • "The Pro Support Section on the website is very close to being finished, but the service already exists. For the time, I invite all those who want professional support to contact directly Octopoos." This is a very good news. Have you an idea on a release date ? (We are speaking about days/weeks/or months). Please, Have you an idea on Seblod next release Saba mentioned ?
  • So, contacting Octopoos, the support will have back by paying, Will it be a Pro Support Section preview ?
Thanks again

310 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

Yes, make SEBLOD paid with more help please. I've seen such a ridiculous paid extensions and I cannot understand why SEBLOD is free.

At least could any of the devs disprove the rumour that SEBLOD is dead? Could we get any info for the future of SEBLOD?

Thank you



106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hmmm ...

More and more it seems pointless to use SEBLOD with this way of help ...

Just to make it clear. If there is no help that means it is impossible to do it with SEBLOD.

Checked today forum. Million problems and close to zero answers. Why am I still believe in this product? Wondering.


10 years ago
Level 2


I had the same problems but after a few months I get my own answers... I am still with Seblod v2 because I spend a year in experiments to get "some things" (write almost 20 Seblod plugins, 15 templates with different concepts..., core hacking). With Seblod my first problems were: view and search. View part is templating, and my suggestion is don't use Seblod templating, create your own template for all things (intro, full, list, forms). Search/list is bigger problem and the best is to prepare things on the paper and do experiments to find "where and what" (many storage options). 

Also all we in Joomla world had some kind of "view" problems because Joomla is still in "blogging world", and not "content types" world. But there are options to solve some view tasks like template override (and new menu types), and in Seblod to create custom templates.


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1

hi @krkr !

i made a living with seblod, i'm a living proof that seblod is not dead and it help dev to make sites quicker (and better).. of course, if you're talking about limitation... there are hundreds, in fact, i never see any product that able to achieve 100% satisfaction from its user..

In several post before, i stated that with seblod "the sky will be your limit"... it's a bit hype, but it's true according from what perspective are you seeing it.

If you come here as an end user, you will likely get frustated as seblod is not "out of the box" product where you can build things as soon as you install it

If you come here as web designer, you will likely bit confused, especially when you tried other extension like K2. More likely, you'll found out that K2 is more user friendly, but i suggest you to stick with seblod for couple of month than you will likely aware that seblod offers tons of flexibility, rather than k2.

If you come here as joomla developer, this will be the fastest option for a rapid web development

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