10 years ago

Hello all,

I posted about a problem with archived articles component and SEBLOD a while ago but haven't found a solution so far.


For my project I need to use the Archived Articles Module. This module lists the months with archived articles and links them to the content components archive view. Please see an example here.

Clicking on a link brings up the archive view with a list of articles. Example page here.

As you can see on the example page, in the archive view the SEBLOD tags

are visible.

Does this mean that SEBLOD doesn't work with archived articles? Is there a way to make this work?

I need the month in a module linking to archived articles of that month. Same like in the standard Archived Articles module or same like you see it on many blogs.

I think this should be possible with SEBLOD. If anyone can point me into the right direction on how to make this work with SEBLOD, please let me know. Thanks.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

If you created a list of research field seeking a CCK fields + STATUS  fields with value selection: archived, this solves your problems?

10 years ago
Level 1


Thank you for the suggestion. But this wouldn't work in my case.

My main problem is to get a list of month that then links to a List&Search type which lists only articles of the given month.

The list of month are in a module like the standard Joomla Archived Articles Module. You can see it following the first link that I posted above.

When I click on September, I want a list of all articles in month September.

I thought that SEBLOD was compatible with the content component of Joomla. But the archive view shows the SEBLOD tags.

Maybe one of the devs could explain if SEBLOD can be used with archive view at all.

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