9 years ago


Getting this error: #500 JHtml: :bootstrap not supported. File not found.

After trying implement sort on table.



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9 years ago
Level 1

Good afternoon,

When adding sort on list & Search type table display

I'm getting this error

#500 JHtml: :bootstrap not supported. File not found.

What could be the reason?

6435493677891584.png (951×602)

I have bootstrap installed as it seems

d9bCHQN.png (1122×619)

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Which Joomla version do you have? Usually bootstrap from Joomla3 core is located in ../media/jui/

I assume this is your own bootstrap file or from a 3rdparty system plugin? If yes, than it might be outdated or not identical to the J! core files.

(I had the same message with HELIX framework, which was not updated correctly)

9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Pepperstreet

I have J2.5 installed and used external extension to load bootstrap with relatvely fresh install Bootstrap → 2.3.2

NwhOic5.png (724×705)

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Please, describe your steps in detail until you get the error. I can't even see the same form as in your first screenshot.  

BTW, did you configure the bootstrap extension? What are your settings? As far as I can see, you can load the extra JS components separately. Most important: The bootstrap extension can be activated for backend & frontend! How do you use it? As far as I can see, it messes up the J! default template. I assume, you just need it for your site template. Seblod does not require it, so i would not load it in backend. 

I guess, I would even get rid of the extension and simply include the necessary files from a CDN. Another benefit, you can even add Bootstrap v3 or even combine it with a better iconfont like FontAwesome etc. 

9 years ago
Level 5

Hi paperstreet,

The steps are right after I add sort on the table header I get this bootstrap problems

KglcPrM.png (928×598)

OYTGUGK.png (983×615)

Bootstrap extension has following options

m03Z92P.png (1269×678)

gT41uQH.png (1023×614)

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


to solve this you can go to the templates/seb_table/variations/heading/heading.php and comment out this line

JHtml::_( 'bootstrap.tooltip' );

You will loose tooltips, if you need them back you need to load boostrap tooltips script yourself.

9 years ago
Level 2

Good morning Klas,

Thank you for help

I did commented out and it gotten a little better.

Now I'm getting blank page with source code cut-off

This is the only source that it gets

F7S5T2d.png (467×170)

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2
You will loose tooltips, if you need them back you need to load boostrap tooltips script yourself.

I am confused. I thought Seblod is fully J!25 compatible. And there should be no bootstrap references at all. 

9 years ago
Level 3

Hi pepperstreet,

I think "search ordering" sorting is not part of the core and I had to install external plug-in for SEBLOD

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Thanks for the headsup, but that should not be a problem. The "heading" variation and dialog is the same, IMHO. No matter if I have that commercial plugin. BTW, I couldn't re-create your issue. No error, and I have small yellow tooltips in that dialog.

9 years ago
Level 5

Hi pepperstreet,

Thanks for reply, my issue is not tooltip... the problem when I add "heading" sort it breaks the page.

SH4z6Qn.png (936×566)

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


how did you comment it out? in php you need to do // so line would look like this

//JHtml::_( 'bootstrap.tooltip' );
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

Yes, its commented out → //JHtml::_( 'bootstrap.tooltip' );

Its still not loading. now page source is getting cut-off.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Seblod v3.4.3 is released. Seems to include a respective fix. Did you test it?

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

There is one more change needed after 3.4.3. as there is another call to J3 function, I missed that one in the first fix


$attr	=	'onclick="jQuery(\'#'.$name.'\').val(\''.$value.'\'); 
JCck.Core.submit(\'search\'); return false;" class="hasTooltip" 
title="'.JHtml::tooltipText( '', 'JGLOBAL_CLICK_TO_SORT_THIS_COLUMN' 


$tooltip = JCck::on() ? JHtml::tooltipText( '', 'JGLOBAL_CLICK_TO_SORT_THIS_COLUMN' ) : '';
$attr	=	
JCck.Core.submit(\'search\'); return false;" class="hasTooltip" 
title="'.$tooltip .'"';
9 years ago
Level 5

Hi Klas

Thank you for your work.

Yes its started to render the page it's a big plus

Please see attached screenshots

mFqiOIm.png (1029×389)

Os3PdGq.png (1068×659)

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

Your sorting fields are wrong, each sorting field value must match field name, then you add asc and desc in the field that appears if you check direction checkbox bellow.e.g.

Title alphabetical=art_title ASC

Title reverse alphapbetical=art_title DESC

9 years ago
Level 7

Good morning Klas,

Updated sorting fields correctly.

When I click on sorting header its does not gives me javascript error and seems to hit the sort function.

But does not seem to sort art_title for some reason

VcmVIPd.png (1148×642)



4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 8


you need to check 2 things

- is your ordering field working by itself? If not something is wrong with ordering field settings

- is your field selected in heading settings (if you click on + on the right side)?

There is a nice video by James describing the whole procedure


9 years ago
Level 9

Hey Klas,

You did it again man!

Thanks for help



Hmmm for some reason when I try to hide sort dropdown box,

Sorting link will stop working as well ... a my hiding it a wrong way?

RYgAU2L.png (907×693)

Solved by placing ordering dropdown into hidden position

3nc8fkE.png (864×563)

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