5 years ago

Je viens enfin de trouver le temps de tester l’outil SEBLOD pour voir si il serait intéressant de l’utiliser dans mes prochains projets de développement.

J’ai donc installé la dernière version de SEBLOD sur la dernière version de Joomla en local. J’ai suivi les premières étapes du manuel et je rencontre un problème au niveau des url’s pour les articles.

J’ai créé un lien de menu Seblod type « liste & recherche » -> Articles. Celui ci affiche bien les articles créés avec SEBLOD en front mais me renvoie une erreur 404 quand je clique pour me rendre sur un article en particulier et ce quand l’option de réécriture d’URL de Joomla est activée.

http://seblod/index.php/articles-seblod/10-seblod = 404

http://seblod/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10:seblod&catid=11&Itemid=101 = Ok

j’ai bien été voir dans les options Site de SEBLOD mais je n’ai pas trouvé la bonne configuration.

Comme Sebastien Lapoux m'a invité à le faire, j'ai activé la réécriture d'url (sans index.php) mais ce n'est pas plus concluant.

Si vous avez une idée, je suis preneur car j’aimerai exploré plus avant les possibilité de l’outil mais je ne peux pas me permettre d’avoir des problèmes de routage d’URL sur des sites en prod.

Merci pour votre retour,


I finally found the time to test the SEBLOD tool to see if it would be interesting to use it in my next development projects.So I installed the latest version of SEBLOD on the latest version of Joomla locally.

I followed the first steps of the manual and I have a problem with url's for articles. Articles.">I created a menu link Seblod type "list & search" -> Articles. This one displays the articles created with SEBLOD in front but returns me a 404 error when I click to go on a particular article and this when the option of rewriting of URL of Joomla is activated.http: //seblod/index.php/articles-seblod/10-seblod = 404http: //seblod/index.php? option = com_content & view = article & id = 10: seblod & catid = 11 & Itemid = 101 = Ok

As Sebastien Lapoux invited me to do, I activated the rewrite of url (without index.php) but it is not more conclusive.

I have been to SEBLOD Site Options but I have not found the right configuration.If you have an idea, I'm interested because I would like to explore further the possibilities of the tool but I can not afford to have problems routing URLs on sites in prod.

Thanks for your feedback,


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82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago
Level 1

I, too, am struggling with this issue.  I can get to the forms for an item, but whenever I click on the View Icon or any view link, I get a 404 error, whether it's in the front end or the back end.  I will be interested in what you find out.

4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Are joomla generated links working for you? Common mistake is to activate url rewritting without renaming htaccess.txt  to .htaccess. 

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago
Level 2

Yes, Joomla generated links work fine.  This website is not a new one and the .htaccess file has been in use for over 1.5 years.  We are changing from Fabrik and all worked fine in as well as regular joomla extensions.  FYI -  I liked Fabrik, but the support is not done on a timely basis and the community is run by "mean girls".  FYI I have deleted all the Fabrik extensions as well as all Fabrik folders.  I also checked the database to make sure all Fabrik stuff is deleted, so there should not be any conflict with old Fabrik stuff.

Having said that, it still could be something I am doing wrong with the lists, menus, searches, etc as I am just learning Seblod.  I realize there is a lot to learn, but I've spent 6 weeks already on Seblod just trying to figure out how it works, and I am not nearly as far as I should be. I'm still hanging in there, but am getting very frustrated.  I find the documentation EXTREMELY lacking and difficult to find - and when I do find it I have to pull together info from multiple places.  Each extension should have detailed documentation with examples - and most of them have NONE or what does exists only makes sense to the person who programmed it.  And there are NO examples except in tutorials.

I am a little perplexed as to why some things are done the way they are in Seblod.  It drives me crazy to have user data in the database 2 times, but I did activate the bridge.

5 years ago
Level 2

Yes of course but I have reinstalled Joomla, seblod and all all tables in database and it works now. It works with this config (see screenshot) and each others SEF options or almost...

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago
Level 3

I still cannot get view to work on anything.

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