9 years ago

Hi guys,

 I'm new in Seblod and trying to figure out what is it about but this thing (attachement) is really annoying. Is there a way to have filtering in select (like Joomla has)?

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9 years ago
Level 1
154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Perhaps you need to use the Select Dynamic Cascade product :


9 years ago
Level 3

I am not sure this fits my requirements. Would be strange to pay for plugin just to get back Joomla native funcionality. 

When I add Custom Type based on Article and try to choose Category I should have select like this: http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/

Instead tehre is basic select - extremely nonuserfriendly for more than 20 categories.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi Totello,

Welcome to SEBLOD.

It's important to note that SEBLOD is not Joomla! - it's a component for Joomla! You shouldn't expect that SEBLOD just has a feature (like the one you are talking about with select boxes) just because Joomla! has it.

In SEBLOD, you create a select input field. So what you get is a basic select input field. 

Joomla! uses a javascript plugin (probably the select2 plugin you've linked above) to create the functionality you are talking about. You are free to do the same in your template in order to achieve the same functionality.

The reason it is not included is because it can cause javascript conflicts with other things that a user might include in their template - it's best practice then to leave it out, and let you as the developer decide how you want to transform your select box for usability. 

What I'd suggest is loading the select2 plugin in your Joomla template, and then you can get the functionality you want! Simple.



21 Posts
Mat-Su Borough
9 years ago
Level 3

I am also looking to implement something like this on my administrator backend.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but I think the native Joomla filtering select box is different than select dynamic. Select Dynamic allows you to use AJAX to filter one select box from the output of another.

On the other hand the Joomla 3 uses the Chosen jquery component to filter items inside the select box (and the multiple select box)

While I understand that leaving this out of Seblod for the front end may be useful, if it's supported by the Administrator Template, why not make it available there?  

21 Posts
Mat-Su Borough
9 years ago
Level 4

Ok, I've never used JHTML, so I don't quite know what this means. (but I think I'll be figuring it out soon)

Apparently the silver bullet is:


21 Posts
Mat-Su Borough
9 years ago
Level 4

OK, that was easy.

I added a custom position, tossed one of my hidden fields into it, and changed my header declaration to:

// No Direct Access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die;



572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Thanks Mat-Su,

That's pretty cool! I didn't know you could load the Chosen plugin with JHTML. You should add this as a tutorial on the tutorials page - http://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials

Just a bit of background, the reason that SEBLOD does not use Chosen, or Select2 jquery plugins to transform Select boxes, is because we want users to be able to decide their own jquery plugin to use. This can be implemented on a Joomla template level. The aim of SEBLOD is to provide the default output in this respect, and give control to the developer to load their own plugin. 

This approach means more flexibility and control for developers.


85 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

Hi James,

i totally agree with you.

The user must have the choice.

However, it would be interesting to have the opportunity to choose a JQuery plugin already in Joomla directly from the configuration of a field.



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