332 Posts
6 years ago

Hi everyone. I've been at this issue a while, and I can't understand what's missing.

I'm trying to create a very simple blog.

The end result I'm looking for is:

When pushing the menu item for blog, I want to show a list of the posts. As a sidebar I want to show categories, so that one can click one and see only post from that category.

What I have created is a content type for categories and one for the posts.

Also I've created some search and list types. One to show the categories, which is to be used in the sidebar, and one to show the posts which should be main content.

I will not get this to work at all. If I use the search and list type to show the posts, I can get the links to those working. But then I get 404 when trying to click on any of the categories in the sidebar.

So I've tried to use the search and list type for category instead, and in this list load with list field the posts search and list type. Now the categories links work, but the posts links give me 404.

I'm scratching my head over this. I've been looking and looking, trying to figure out what's front. I've played around with SEF settings and nothing solves it, except turning Joomla Global settings for sef to off. Then it works.

Do you have any suggestions, please?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

You need to set target menu on links in the module/sidebar, otherwise Itemid of the current page will be used which is of course not correct.

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the tip. But it's the same menu item to be used. It's called "blogg". "Front page" of blog is to show posts from all subcategories (no category filter, just content type) while the sub categories will show only posts from clicked category. 

Can this not be done?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Have you tried setting target?

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

As in blank or self? No. It's inherrit. But I'm not sure that this is what you mean? If you mean to set a Menu Item, I've tried without any difference in the results.

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

I've been digging through older forum posts to see if anyone has had related issues, and I found this from way back. It's the same thing I experience.


Maybe we are thinking wrong about how to create a blog with Seblod, and have it work with categories.

Klas, how would you set this up:

The goal:

Create a blog, where you have one main menu item that shows all blog items. As a sidebar, you should list the categories added so that the user can click a category and to basically see the same list of blog items, but filtered to the selected category.

The categories for this blog should be created with a seblod from, so that it can be easily maintained through a front end manager with ease of use. 

The links should turn into (root category of blog items get the menu item alias/blog-item-title, and else it's menu item alias/subcategory/blog-item-title for all blog items placed in a sub category)

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

I found yet another post about issues setting up something like this. 3 years old.. https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/fields-plug-ins/form-list-pack-2-plug-ins-categories-multi-level-and-articles-tree-module

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

I figured out why this was happening.

In the search and list type assigned by the menu item, there is under configuration a field: "Allowed Content Type(s)"

This field had only the main content type's alias. So if I remove this, or add with comma separation also the content type alias of the other content types, it works. First it gave 404, but as soon as this mentioned field is empty or has the other content types alias as well, the 404 is gone and everything works as it should.

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Nice work and info Kenneth 

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