9 years ago

Hello everyone! Well I'm excited about the SEBLOD and see a great future for him. But would like to see the closest SEBLOD Designers who can understand some programming I would like to ask or make a suggestion to have the SEBLOD something like what is shown in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81mTdSkbos

After creating my app it should be presented in one of the tabs "composer within the SEBLOD" so you no longer need to put the hand in the code. And the creation of positions of templates should be equal to what is in the helix our YETemplate:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6UQsYBMSvc

can create positions without messing in XMLs files. What do you think? Is it possible?

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9 years ago
Level 1

I really like the way the UI of the composer works and would appreciate to see a similar feature in SEBLOD.

However, there may be a misunderstanding. SEBLOD is predominantly not a page constructor or composer,
but a content type composer.

What's the difference?

  • With the composer you showed, you would have to recreate the structure
    you have in one article for each new article over and over, because you can only create one instance with it (page, article)
    If you change the structure of one article, only that article changes.
  • With SEBLOD, you create a pattern (content type), that is reused upon article creation.
    Joomla! and SEBLOD make the instances for you, following the pattern.
    You create a content type only once and touch it never again. (except for general improvements)
    Once you change a content type, all articles based on that master change as well.
9 years ago
Level 2

I had sent another post before. But do not think you received. I understand what is SEBLOD. What I do like is an improvement on the layout of content types and layouts templates (where display apps created). is all about usability. Watch the video on the templaza layout of content. Of course it's for a artifo but just imagine this function in each type of content created. I could tell where the field B will appear, the Y image will be, besides the effects, colors, and background images that each have. see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNDKdurSL_U&list=UUykS6SX6L2GOI-n3IOPfTVQ Could you elaborate? really longing to see it in SEBLOD.

9 years ago
Level 1

Was looking at the pictures acordion app. He has no usability for end user use. Imagine creating a central layoouts where all the apps they create SEBLOD should use it. this center layouts would like Visual Composer. What do you think? It's all usability. So we have two things to improve. 1 -.. Layouts Center content types (I can set the animation, colors, background images, and equal to the Visual Composer If you want to send the Composer Azexo I bought his version for Joomla 2 - Template Layouts. Today to create positions where apps Template created appears everything has to be done via XMLs file. Make an improvement on the type of YETemplate I showed you in the video. I think now I could explain myself better. What do you say? is possible to do?

84 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Hermes,

maybe the contentbuilder.js is something useful for you. Its really great,

9 years ago
Level 2

Yes that's right. Would it be possible to put this in SEBLOD? So any app created by the programmer who uses the SEBLOD would use something long and so would like usability for end customers. Not to mention that the public would gain sebldo Designers also.

Does the staff of SEBLOD do it?

9 years ago
Level 3


in my view, the creation of fields, forms and the "wiring" of elements to build functionality
will never and should not be in the hands of end users.
BUT - if I understand correctly, that's not what you mean. Your request is about layout and styling of pages, right?

I had a similar idea, (no comments yet)
It is about using pieces of content information more flexibly on the content page,
in particular: placing fields in the fulltext area.


Right now, I see all SEBLOD users (devs and end-users) limited to
the predefined layout of information that is given by the content type and its template.
A field's position can only be defined in the content type editor and once it is set, it's there to stay in that place of the layout.

There is no way to make use of the very flexible SEBLOD "field / layout system" in the article editor.
All you can do right now is to fill in the form and stick with the predefined content layout.

... Unless there was an oversight on my part :)
I think it is time for a feature request in the tracker.

9 years ago
Level 4

That's right, Viktor. How do I ask this function to the Personnel SEBLOD?

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Hi Hermes and Viktor,

I am SEBLOD personnel :) We are always watching the forums.

Nice discussion, but this functionality already exists in SEBLOD to a degree. True, it does not exist with this UI, but there are 2 ways that you can achieve the same thing. Remember SEBLOD's output just takes the place of the <jdoc:include type="component" /> placeholder in your main Joomla template.


  1. Install a simple template like seb_minima 
  2. Apply seb_minima to your content view
  3. Put all of your fields in to the mainbody position
  4. Use the DIV fields that come with SEBLOD Core to create 'sub-positions'. You can make as many DIV fields as you like the same way you create new fields. You can define the arrangement of these divs using bootstrap classes (click on the "3" if you are in the content view and type in your class) as long as you are using the bootstrap.css file in your site's template
  5. Place your fields in between your div fields. 
  6. There! you have arranged all your fields in 'positions' without writing any code.


  1. Install a simple template like seb_minima
  2. Apply seb_minima to your content view
  3. Put all of your fields in to the mainbody position
  4. Create a template position override (Here is a resource to tell you how to do that: http://www.seblod.com/v2/1758-templating-101-overrides.html)
  5. You can then create all your own div structure using HTML and then call all of your fields in your divs using PHP.

Of course, now that SEBLOD is on GitHub, and if you have the expertise, you could build the template designer exactly as you are describing yourselves :D


9 years ago
Level 6

Hello _jrmo! Glad to have your answer here.

_jrmo So that's what I'm saying, go a degree. Put yourself in that part of the user interface would gain more customers. 

See. I would not have put his hand in more code to customize the template positions, layout, image, or field. would just drag and drop. 

The process of creating content types continue as it is today, but handling these types of content would be improved to a user (designer) and make her pretty quick. 

Did you guys could take it on the road map? Or maybe do a crowdfunding for users bancarem it and so can you see the accepting also. 

What do you think?

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 7

Hi Hermes,

Yes but the functionality I explained in Option 1 IS just drag and drop. It just works a bit differently and doesn't offer a live preview. 

For us I don't think it is a top priority at this point to implement, because SEBLOD templating already has so many options. But of course, we encourage you to organise a kickstarter or crowd funded campaign for a feature like this if you want it, and it can be submitted on GitHub.


9 years ago
Level 8

Hello, I have seen some of the videos SEBLOD but still think it's a little difficult for designers. You said we could make a crowdfunding campaign for improvements in SEBLOD. Ok, but who could make this improvement? Could you direct me to someone who could leave part of SEBLOD templates paracido with webflow? follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLPmnoMVpkxfhtqZ-d-5cp8N2Pqjh2UmMk&v=AoTBLxN-Vvs type, make the call from the fields, direct forms here, and all part of the design and animation created contents would be treated here. It's something visionary or to far from the reality that if you do the SEBLOD will take a giant leap?

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