215 Posts
11 years ago

I have created a user profile content type, and successfully imported my users.

Members are approved registered users.

I want my members to have the privilege of searching for other members and viewing their profiles (or at least the content area of their content type).

I figured how to create a link for the admin to edit their profile on their behalf in the front-end, e.g.:

$link =  'index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=content_type_name&id=';
$link .= $cck->get('user_id')->value;
$link .= '&Itemid=xxx'; ?>

Do anyone know how to simply link to the user's profile as a view (non-edit)?

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98 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


I'm also looking for this. Thanx

215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

I think Joomla by design does NOT actually allow this view. I have resigned to the fact that Seblod as wonderful as it is, can NOT do everything. I have at times used JUMI. There's lot's of code out there to get you started. Plus StackOverflow is another great php/mysql resource for accessing Joomla apps.

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

to display the user profil with SEBLOD (view content of the content type user), in the view list or item of your user search, with the option 2 you can add a link on a field.

You just have to select the link View

Best regards.


98 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hello Lionel

Thank you for your response. I know how to create a link to user profile from intro of user content type and from a search list linked to user profile. What I need to know is how to create a link to user profile from anywhere else on website. For example, when visitor reads article and I want to show link "VISIT AUTHOR PROFILE".

Thank you

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

I'd love to know the answer to this as well ... searched forums on V2 and V3 and there are some complicated ways... this should be pretty straght-forward, yes? Perhaps using Simon's SD Databaser plugin? If anyone can outline a solution, it would be a huge help to the community as I've seen lots of questions and not many answers on this topic. Thank you in advance.

So to summarize... Let's say I'm viewing an article and there's a field "Article written by: <author's name>" with a link to the author's user profile. Would I utilize the Link option ... Content>View and then in the construction pop-up choose the "Field" value for content?

84 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,
I did the following. I dont know if that is the perfect solution but it works.

In my Content Type I put the field "Article Created By" which points to a List&Search Type (button 2). This Search Type has in its Search form two fields. The standard cck field and the field "User Id". Now for the field "User ID" click button 2 and choose Variable, after that click configure and choose for Type -> Int and for Variable -> art_created_by. Click save and close.

Now you have a directlink from article author to his profile. Important: Because you dont want to search anymore you have to hide the search form.


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