5 years ago

I have create a article with a produkt you can click button and a modal open up and the Customer can write a message. How can i get the value from the article name and place it in a form field.

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1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

If you have a form in a module and it appears in a modal....

... and you want it to have value from current content....I see two ways initially:

1 grab value from url as a live value ( if it is in there ) i.e ab=11&cd=34

2 purchase sd live cck field, this allows you to pull in value from current content.

5 years ago
Level 2

I have bought sd live cck field and sql pack, but i dont know how i can pull in value from current content.

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 3

I might Have giving you bad advice, the sd live cck field MIGHT:


require single article menu item


list not form

If above is true then you need to pull value from url

I purchased the field the other day and not used it yet, might not be able to use it now

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