54 Posts
10 years ago
Although not exactly a noob using Seblod, I am finding it hard to understand the connection between user profiles and articles.
I have enabled the bridge which generates an article for every user profile.
Nevertheless, the frontend view of the profile shows nothing but the title and some publishing details, no matte what fields I add to the Content tab in te Article content type.

This is all quite confusing and there is no clear documentation to shed some light.

Guidance os much welcome.
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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

by default all content types are stored as "articles", which is a bit misleading name, in Seblod context it should probably be called "content items" as it can contain any type of content. And Article content type is the one that is actually about Joomla articles - you need to do changes in User content type.
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