54 Posts
11 years ago

I've added a few custom fields to the default User type.

Problems emerge when I want to give users access to their profiles in both view and edit modes.

In view mode, the internal article is shown:

Joomla User - 704

The menu item linking to the user profile is created through Users Manager > User Profile.

The dynamically generated URL looks as follows:


In the Content tab of the User type construction form, there is no live option to retrieve the value from the User Name field.

Edit mode, on the other hand, denies access to the site form (Edit not permitted), although the permission to edit own content is set correctly.

I'm sure it is perfectly possible to accomplish what I am trying to as this very website is an example of.

Help is much appreciated!

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1
In order to have an apropriate user article name you have to adjust the "CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User" plugin. Set the "Default title" option to Custom (an input with "#user_name#" should appear nearby).

In my case the standard joomla "edit user profile" menu type works fine and leads to the site form of the USER content type. BUT! It doesn't show the values of the already filled fields, other than "Login name" and "Email". Could someone please help me on this?

I think it would be a blast and 100500+ views on youtube (or vimeo) to make a detailed video on custom user profiles in Seblod. I would have done it myself if I only knew the answeres to the question in this (and many similar) topics on the seblod forum.

54 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

I believe you have to set the storage location of your custom fields to Custom > User > field_name, otherwise the values will land in article introtext column.

It did the trick for me.

11 years ago
Level 1

I'm having a similar problem and the above techinques did nothing.

I opened the Seblod user form, added some fields and in the backend, works wonderfully.   When I click on "Create Account" in the frontend, it works great. 

The issues come when the user is logged in.
They cannot reach the form, it gives the user a "404 Article not found" error.
If I log in as Super User, I can see what looks like the original Joomla User form and not my modified Seblod user form.

I know this has to be a setting issue somewhere but can't seem to find it. 

And before anyone asks, yes I've searched this site for the answer already.  No answer found.


11 years ago
Level 2

Okay, I found the solution to what was happening in my situation.

I don't know why, but the default "Edit Profile" menu link didn't work.  I had to recreate the link using MENU ITEM > USER MANAGER> EDIT PROFILE

This put a new version of the button on my site.  I'm thinking it had to rebuild the link, even though when I look at the links they're identical.  It was very strange.  It's working now though.


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