32 Posts
10 years ago

Hi everyone,

since my upgrades to Seblod 3 I am encountering a strange behavior when I am viewing my seblod user profile:


Seblod 3.3.5

Joomla 3.3.1

Language: Multi-Language

I activated the bridge in "CCK Storage User" and to view my user profile I created a menu item of type "User Manager > User Profile".

The seblod user profile is shown with URL (.../de/80-users/1xx-joomla-user-4xx). --> everything ok so far.


The breadcrumb shows me that I am seeing the start page (You are here: Home > Joomla user - 4xx). Furthermore all modules of the start page are displayed, but not the ones which I assigned to my "User Profile" menu item. Therefore my user profile page looks a little messed up since I upgraded from Seblod

Do you have similiar issue? Did I oversee something?

Thank you for your help!

Best Regards


Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1


I have the same problem!
Have you found the solution?

32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi milli05,

I just implemented a workaround. I guess the approach does not show the way it is intended to be. I would even say it is quite ugly. But at least it works somehow.

What I did:

  • Create a new seblod list of content type "User"
  • Create a menu item which links to the user list (in my case in a hidden menu)
  • Create a hyperlink using php which gets the article-id for the currently active user from the database
    • you can get the id of the user via "JFactory::getUser()->get('id');"
    • the hyperlink should contain "Itemid=$idOfUserList"
    • If you did not override the alias of the user-articles the snippet below should help

$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$aliasSql = $db -> getQuery(true);
$aliasSql -> select("id");
$aliasSql -> from("#__content c");
$aliasSql -> where("alias=" . $db->quote("joomla-user-" . JFactory::getUser()->get('id')));
$db -> setQuery($aliasSql);
$aliasData = $db -> loadObject();
if($aliasData) {
   echo "<a href='index.php?Itemid=123&view=article&id=" . $aliasData -> id . ":" . $alias . "'>View Profile</a>

Get a Book for SEBLOD