10 years ago


I am working on a website, where users can register and log in. After logging in, they can create and edit one article. 
This is working fine so far. 
Now I have some custom fields at the registration form.
My problem is that I would like to show some of those info in the article content, so basically connect the user and the articles table together.
I would need some data from the articles creator's field. 
How could I do that?
Thank you!

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

You can use author field to display intro view of the user content type


10 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Klas! 
I have installed the plugin, but unfortunately I cannot find any description. 
I am not sure if I got it properly:
I open the user content, put the fields in the mainbody of the intro, save it. 

I got to the article content type, set up a related article field in it and there I set user as categories, but so far there is nothing. 
I am not sure about the fields there... child, partent etc. 
Where can I set that it should look for the author id of the article?


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Usage of this field is simple:

Put desired fields into intro view of user content type (e.g. a,b,c fields)

Put this field into Content view of your article (or any content type that has author as one of the fields). lets say ariticle has fields d,e,f,g, and you put this field on the last place.

This will display whatever user has put into his fields inside the article, so displayed fields will be

d,e,f,g, and then a,b,c from the author.

You can see this in action here in the About the author section at the bottom http://joogpot.eu/knowledge/16-webdesign/57-evoke-emotion-through-typography

10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas!

Thank you for your answer! 

I have set up the into view of my user, I have put my fields e,f,g in it.

I have problem with this step:

Put this field into Content view of your article

So I create a new field in the content view of my article... and will be the type of this field? Content->author? this way I can only see the id of the author.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Fields from your intro view of User should appear at the place where you place Author type field (not a field with title author) into your content type.

I think (haven't tested) you need to have user bridge activated for this to work and also users need to be created after bridge has been activated as without a bridge there is only default Joomla profile data, so there is nothing to show.

10 years ago
Level 6

Hi Klas!

I have put Author type field in my article content view, enabled the bridge and created a new user.

Unfortunately the only thing I can see is the id of the author.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I did a quick test and it works for me, I got ID only if I did not have any User profile fields in the User content type - Intro tab. And ofcourse, user that is author needs to have his profile data fileld in.

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