11 years ago

URL is not correct in one of my Form/contentWhen saving from front-end i get this error: url not loadingAnd the link look like this: http://poelsehandlerforeningen.dk/component/cck/I have tried almost every thing. All other Forms/contents works well. There are no difference using: seb_minima or seb_one

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151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Give us more info please. Does the form content get saved but user gets the error ... or the content does not get saved at all either?
If the earlier, check Site Form > Configuration > Redirection
11 years ago
Level 1
Hi and thanks for your answer.

The articles are actually saved.
Site form:
Redirection = Content
Menu Item (List) = Select
Btw. It make no difference setting Redirection to either Corrent/Content/Form
It still redirect to this link: http://poelsehandlerforeningen.dk/component/cck/
The permissions for Author are set correct.

I have four other Contents on this site, and they all work correct.

Best regards
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