41 Posts
6 years ago

I was interested in value of the field Object (Free, Joomla (Article.....)) in Form & Content Type. 

I want to create the types of content consisting of the general fields Joomla (group) and the special for each type of content. however my experiment has revealed strangeness. 

During creation of material (CT1) in which there is a field group (CTG1) all fields of material are located 

in one table "content" regardless of the fact that I specify during creation of content of object-storage free. 

Who can explain need or value of this option during creation of content type? 

it is more from the academic point of view, not practical. 

1. I create the CTG1 content type (object=article), all fields storage in article (titl, intro...) 

2. I create the CT1 content type (object=free), include: 

a) CTG1 group 

b) field Article Meta Description (storage=article.description) 

3. I create the CT1 element 

4. I look in the database and I see that all fields were wonderfully included in the table Jumla content. 


why the table for content CT1 hasn't been created? 

watch documentation: https://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals/advanced/understanding-the-storage

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


not sure if I understand you correctly, but Free type is a special type, it is to be used with existing tables so it won't create table or columns for the fields in the database, you need to create them manually.

41 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Good afternoon 

I was strongly interested in parameter. Then that he has declarative character and doesn't give a sebloda of any instructions? 

The matter is that there are no additional options relatively in what table data of it content of type will remain. Then that the table for such (free) content of type has to be created automatically but I haven't seen such table and didn't create it, then for what the option is necessary? 

Question not idle I would like to understand more deeply logic of work seblod. 

Many thanks, for your help

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