10 years ago

I've used an earlier version of SEBLOD with no problems with Joomla, but were both earlier versions.

I am currently trying to use the latest version of SEBLOD (3.3.2) with Joomla 3.2.2. However, when I install SEBLOD, I no longer able to access the registration page of my website, accessible before installing SEBLOD.

This is a bug, or some kind of incompatibility?

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Soft M,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.

There shouldn't be any problem getting to the registration page.  Is this a test site with only SEBLOD and Joomla?  What error(s) are you getting?  Are you using any other plugins/extensions that might have an effect on the user?  Did you set up any user forms or did you just install and have the problem?

Have you see the manuals on:
User Profile
Adding a user
Displaying Registration Form



10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy,

I'm working on a real website and server. The site has other extensions and plugins and everything has been working well. I did not change anything in relation to the users. I just installed SEBLOD and when I tried to access the registration page (on website) and I got an error saying that I was not allowed to access the content.

After that, I decided to uninstall and reinstall the module again, but then now I can not reinstall. I do not understand what's going on, I've used a previous version of SEBLOD and I have not had any problems ...

Thanks for the help!
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Sofia,

So is SEBLOD currently uninstalled?  And now you can not install it again?

If that is the case, what errors are you getting?



10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy,

I uninstalled and when try install it again I get "1062 Duplicate entry". But I think this error is related with how I uninstalled SEBLOD. It appears that the files were not completely removed.

The main issue is about what happened to unable to access the the registration page after installing SEBLOD. After resolving the issue of the installation, I'm afraid that the same happens again.

Thanks once again,
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi again Randy,

Well I managed to solve the problem of the installation, I had to go directly to the BD delete some references.

Now, the problem of access to the registration remains. When I click on "Registration" menu button, I got a message saying:


You are not allowed to access this resource.

However, this problem occurs only if done without login. If I log in and try to access the registration page there is no problem. I changed the permissions but still unable to solve the problem.

Any idea?

10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy,

Problem solved. It was all about of permissions that were poorly structured.
I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks for all the help,
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