2 Posts
Seb @ Alka
8 years ago


we used to create different content-types with Seblod, but today we have a difficulty.
Our client want a tool to easily create polls. We encounter difficulties because this time the result to show has to be a form for his customers. And he want to see and display the result of the poll.

We have create the form for him to create the poll , but after that we have difficulties to show a form for the visitor... and no idea how to save the result...

Thanks for your help.


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


in short - seblod can be used to create polls, but you would need to do end calculations yourself using tools like code plugin or sql plugin, where one can to code or mysql based calculations. This would work if you plan to create a single poll or perhaps a poll that would have a number of options with the same range (e.g. 1-5) and calculation would always be the same (e.g. an average from all questions ).

One thing Seblod is not exactly the best tool for is to create flexible poll creation and calculation, that will be set/configured by your client (e.g. weighted answers etc). It would be possible but it would require a huge amount of work to create smooth user experience compared to specialized tpolling extensions.

Please give us more details about input and output side, otherwise it is impossible to give some more definite answer.

2 Posts
Seb @ Alka
8 years ago
Level 1


Thanks for your answer. The point is to create a tool to allow my client to create polls.
As you said the amount of work to do looks huge if compared with usual polling extension.

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