i had a problem wih site infection. So i took the advise of this post:
I had my site upgraded to Joomla 3.6.2 and Seblod 3.9.0, but the infecton didn't disapeared.
So i did the bellow steps:
1) I intalled a fresh Joomla 3.6.2, i installed Seblod 3.9.0 and all extensions i had in my joomla infected site.
2) I looked at the database tables from Infected Site and the New One and i found hat the differeneces was:
i) the Infected did had the table "_cck_more_countries", so i created it.
ii) At the infected site database i removed all which had to do with "com_weblinks" (i have the thought that from there my site is infected somehow). For the removing i folow this instructions: http://joomla.stackexchange.com/questions/12111/how-to-remove-weblinks-component-rests-after-updating-from-j-3-3-to-3-4
iii) At the infected site database, there was extra tables for cck_forms i had crated at the past.
5) I copy, all folders with files which have created from uploads from articles created through Seblod forms, to the new site.
4) I connected through configuration file, the new Joomla Sile to the Old Infective site Database.
The problem now is this:
When i'm looking the site from the front end all are ok. Even if try to edit an old artcle through form editor.
But at the backend when i tried to edit a form from Construction -> Forms & Content Types -> Edit i take th image a attache bellow.

Can you help me please?
Can i have the seblod work again properly?
Thank you