8 years ago

Hi, Here the situation :

- I have form and content type "USER" (define as this in seblod intergration), 

- I have a list with all the registred user,

- I have a link "See my profile" (define as this in seblod intergration),

- I have a link "Edit my profile".

When I'am the only one user as superuser everything work well, but when others users are registred as simple user (register) there is some trouble...

When I'am logged as simple user :

- The link "See my profile" show me the joomla profile not seblod profile (when I am the only one user as superuser I see my seblod profile.)

- In the member list, I put on the username field a link to redirect to the user profil. When I am the only one user as supersuer the link work well but when there are other user in the website as simple user the link doesn't appear.

In the doubt, I checked the level acces and I think it's ok. Do you have an idea to solve the problem?

Thank you!

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

This is certainly access misconfiguration - you need to set view access (access levels) to registered level (or to whatever level you have set for our registered users) on both - menu and in the content type configuration. For editing you need to set right permissions (edit or edit.own) in content type.

8 years ago
Level 1

I rechecked I don't understand, in user content type I put the same acess level between registred user and superuser : all allowed and unlimited.

The acess menu is registred and in the global configuration all the acess level is inherited.

As always, as supersuer I have acess to my seblod profile, as registred user I have acess to the joomla profile... In both case I can see only my profile and not others users, I don't have the acess.

8 years ago
Level 1


I can't solve my problem with the profile creation of user. I don't think it's an acess level problem because I have acess to other content (article content) with the same acess level. However it's possible to create several user profile but looks like the user content view doesn't exist.

I changed some things. Now I have 2 search lists of user, to redirect my users to thier own content or other content of user. On each search lists of users the redirect to content view redirect me to wampserver (I work with localhost). And the redirect happens even with public access.

An idea why the redirect is to wampserver?

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