Hi Pet Guardian and Kara,
After reading your post I'm quite sure your problem has nothing to do with php or Seblod versions. This "problem" is present, as far as I know, since about 15 years ago. It has a quite easy solution.
We must have always in mind that when we create a new content type we must test it. Also, if we edit the content type for adding a field, or editing the position of another field, need to test the content type storage again. With this I mean:
- Fill the form and check if all the fields in the database are stored correctly.
- If it has article storage check the #__content storage and maybe another table you have chosen for other fields in this content type, for example: #__clients.
- If is has free storage check its database storage you choose, for example #__clients
In any case the problem you are having with the items counted, are within the #__cck_core table. Check this table after storing a new article of those who are having bad counting, then in phpmyadmin or whatever you use, check if now there is one more registry or there are two. Usually this happens when you put the article title of the form below other fields. So simple, edit the content type and move up to the first positions the field who is giving the title to the article.
Then again fill the form and check if now there is only one new item in #__cck_core table or two. After this, in order to solve the bad counts, delete all those duplicated entries in #__cck_core table, ensure which of the 2 duplicated entries is safe to delete.
I hope this can help you.