9 years ago

Hi sebloders,

I just developped a website in local, and recently, I put it online. I don't really understand why, but during the installation, Joomla updated to 3.4. As you can imagine, I get some issues with seblod : content type don't save, edition in backend open the classical form and suppression is ... strange.

I tried the 3.5.1 fix, but it didn't change anything. The person I'm building the site for agreed to wait for Seblod 3.6, but as it takes some time (I can totaly understand it, thank you for the great work !), I''m looking for some other solutions.

Any ideas ?

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18 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hello! Take a look at this:



9 years ago
Level 1

Thanks ! that may help.

Not solved yet, but i'll try.

9 years ago
Level 2


I won't get a copy of the php.ini file, and I don't have access to it's location, so unfortunatly, the solution explained in this post won't help me ....

Are there any other solution ?

I could also wait for the next version of seblod, as a last option, but in this case, I would need to be sure that it will solve my issue (and if I could have an idea of the date it will be release, that would be awesome !).

Thanks again

18 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hello! Hmmmm... not sure if the next version will fix the problem. As long as I can see the problem is about the php configuration, you have to set something like:

max_input_vars = 5000 (or more...)

max_file_uploads = 50

If you do not have access to the php.ini contact your server staff for support. To have access to the php.ini is a must if you want a robust website construction. Hope it helps.


9 years ago
Level 1

It may be this Javascript problem


9 years ago
Level 1


Many thanks for your help. However, I got the confirmation that with OVH Mutal host, I won't have access to the PHP.ini file, and I won't have a copy of it too. I tried to do it with the line : 

php_value max_input_vars 6000 

in the .htaccess file, but then I got a 500 error. In facts, after a few research, It looks like OVH Mutual doesn't allow users to change the max_input_vars value, and refuse to do it if we ask them.

Does it means that I won't be able to use Seblod with Joomla 3.4 with this server ? (I think it worked before the update)

Any solution ?

9 years ago
Level 1


Sorry for the double post, but I really need your help. To sum up, a the moment, the problem is : 

- When I create a content from backend, I have the right form, but it’s not saved correctly. 

- When I edit this content, the form is Joomla’s standard form, not mine.

Solutions that have been suggested, here or somewhere else, and didn’t work (or wasn’t possible) :

- First, the fix Seblod 1.5.1 (since my problem Apparently appeared after the update, but not sure)

- Changing the max_update_var in php.ini  (see my previous post)

- Avoiding the creation of an empty-named  category  (that was part of the problem here : http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/general-discussions/probleme-de-soumission-d-un-formulaire-en-backend#post24825)

What can I do ? Does it means that I can’t use seblod with ovh mutual ?



9 years ago
Level 1

(I can now add that the front-end submission doesn't work either : content is duplicated, one has the right info but isn't editable, the other is empty ...

18 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi there! Can you post here the above php variables values of your server? You can get them on your_domain/info.php and using the backend Joomla Admin: system information>php information. Please post both(via info.php and joomla). Thanks


9 years ago
Level 3

Hi !

Thanks you for your answer. Here are the results : 

Joomla : 

max_input_vars 16000 16000
max_file_uploads 20 20

the info.php doesn't exists (leads to a 404 error). I'll make one asap.

Thanks again,

9 years ago
Level 4


results are the same.

A get a new issue this afternoon, it may be related : now, when a content is saved from de frontend, some fields are missing. To be more precise : 

If one of them ("description" field) is disabled, all the other work fine. But if it is enabled, then a lot of other fields (almost every one) are missing. I checked the table : they aren't save at all !

9 years ago
Level 1

Any help ? Content submited from the frontend is still duplicated ...

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