10 years ago
i build a form for input of data and in the backend i have automaticly four original buttons from joomla called save, save&close, save & new and close.
I the frontend i cann put in my form also buttons, but te function af save-Button (save but stay inside the same form and datas) or submit (and go after this to a overview) is not possible!?

I can only have the option to choose after submit a button to go to ## whzen i go in "Form & Content Types" - Area --> in my form --> then in the configuratio and set only one option for a submit/save-button?

Is this correct or its possible to have i the froitend also a save (but stay after insider the same form)-Button and a second Submit (and go to the overview)-Button?

Greetings from Berlin ;-)
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148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Good news for you with Seblod 3.2 - now available out of the box - see the release notes/blog post - second screen shot.
10 years ago
Level 1
Thanks MtnPavlas,

i found all Buttons but i dont see anytime a different in actions. Where i can read more about the functions? I don't find some informations ;-(
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