6 years ago

Hi to all

With great imagine I found, that my articles are accessible from any URL which contains Article ID. Live example is here https://moskovskiykvartal.ru/catalog/sell/flats/168. This is a real URL of realty object. Sorry - it's in Russian, but it doesn't metter for our problem. You can see canonical tag - it's the same. 

However, you can open a link with this canonical here - https://moskovskiykvartal.ru/catalog/sell/cottages/168 or here https://moskovskiykvartal.ru/catalog/sell/rooms/168 and even here https://moskovskiykvartal.ru/any-words-here/168 - without content but there is canonical of the my article. 

Of cource I can code in my override template to go to canonical URL - but this is wrong, isn't it? As I know - router was changed in J!3.8.0 - maybe, this is reason?

  • Joomla! 3.8.1+Seblod 3.15.0
  • Seblod Router SEF - /alias
  • Seblod SEF URLs in Content Type - /id
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6 years ago
Level 1


this is how it always was in Seblod, with all different possible url creation options it would be to complex to allow only real urls, this is why only last segment is used.

6 years ago
Level 2

OK, thanks. I'll make a coding to redirect to canonical url while SEBLOD will be compatible with new experimental router...

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